Twenty Five

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Wednesday, December 25

"Merry Christmas everybody" I greeted everybody with a smile while I entered the kitchen.

"Somebody's in the Christmas spirit" my momma said with a laugh as she fixed a plate of grits, bacon, eggs and sausage then sat at the table with Elena and my grandma

"That's because somebody ended Christmas Eve off right" Elena muttered and I slapped her upside the head before sitting beside her

"There's nothing to be ashamed about Noel. We were your age once Noel" my grandma told me and my eyes widened. I looked over at Elena and she shrugged

"Everybody heard you"

"Yes babygirl. You were kinda loud" my momma added. My face was flushed from embarrassment and I just wanted to disappear at this moment. I put my hands over my face and they all laughed at me

The sound of a pair a feet shuffling their way into the kitchen caught all of our attention so we all looked to see Dana with her face bawled up while scratching her hair

"Ugh, somebody's Christmas isn't so merry" Elena joked and Dana stuck her finger up at Elena before taking the piece of sausage off of her plate

"Well merry Christmas to you too" momma said with a stank look and Dana rolled her eyes

"Fuck Christmas"

"Dana!" Grandma yelled, surprised for no reason at all cause she already knew Dana curses like a sailor. She picked up a candy cane off of the table and threw it at Dana

"What? I'm telling the truth. Y'all all hyped up for this stupid ass holiday for what reason? Niggas still ain't shit and bitches still fake"

"All of the sausage sitting up there on the stove... and you take mine" Elena said to Dana out of the blue, like 20 minutes late

"You just didn't find the right one yet. He'll come eventually. Everybody's right person comes at different times" grandma assured her and she made a face

"Grandma trust me. A corny ass nigga is the last thing I'm worried about right now"

"Mhmm. I bet so" momma mumbled while mixing all of her food together before taking a big spoonful.


"Where is Dana at with these corny ass gifts" Elena said impatiently. We all opened up gifts and Dana said she had to go pick up the last piece of out Elena and I's gift

"She probably planting a bomb" I told her and my momma nudged me

"Oh stop. You know that girl won't try to kill y'all....well then again-"

"You're really not making this any better ma" Elena said with a frown and there was a knock on the door. I got up and went to open it, seeing Kentrell on the other side. His smile went away as he saw the black leather skirt I wore, which stopped just above my knees.

"Well damn, merry Christmas to you too" I greeted him. He shook his head and wrapped one arm around me, hugging me tight and leaned towards my ear

"Gone make me fuck you up bout this outfit" he whispered into my ear and I smiled

"So therefore I look good then"

"See you bout to make me take all this shit back" Kentrell pointed to the bags in his hands

"Awe, these for me?"

"Nah, I just got em for my girlfriend" he responded sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and finally let him in the house

"Awe look who came to shower my baby in gifts" momma said with a smile as she walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a rag

I went over to the tree and grabbed the gifts I had for Kentrell then handed them to him before looking through the stuff he got me. Kentrell brought me some more stuff from PINK, the exact same phone cases that I showed him a few days ago when I was online shopping, two pairs of shoes and some candy.

"See you got me all happy right now" I told him as I danced a little, digging into the bottom of the bag and pulled out a small box. When I opened it, a smile stretched across my face. Inside the box was a princess cut ring with pink diamond. I put the ring on and continued to look at it

"Kentrell this is beautiful"

"She bout to think she married now" Elena said while laughing and I looked at her before flipping my hair

"You already know it"

Kentrell started laughing and went to open the stuff I got him. The first thing he pulled out was my favorite gift... a shirt with a picture of me on it. The one Elena took of me at my birthday dinner.

"Yo corny ass" Kentrell told me while he continued to laugh, looking at the shirt "This shit nice though. And shawty in that picture fine as hell"

"I would put you on but she gotta nigga. Sorry" I shrugged and my momma rolled her eyes, laughing as well

"You two" she said before walking back into the kitchen. He continued to go through his stuff and pulled everything out. I also got him a watch that I saw that paired nicely with his grills, a pair of shoes and some more shirts. He hugged my waist and kissed me before smiling



"I love you"

Hearing Kentrell say he love me made my heart melt. I never would have thought....

I smiled and threw my arms around his neck "I love you too Kentrell"

"Aweeee. I love it" Elena beamed with excitement. I buried my face into his shirt while hugging him tight.


"Trell baby, show them your new favorite shirt" I told kentrell as I recorded on his Snapchat, sitting on his lap. He held up the shirt with my picture on it and I started smiling

"My shawty fine" he said as he looked at the shirt

"They bout to hate us even more"

"All then girls gone be on yo ass forreal" Kd, Who finally showed up, joked in the back "especially after they see that ring"

I stopped recording and posted the video on his story then looked at Kd

"Yeah, he already put me on snap showing off my ring and all his lil Snapchat freaks already watched it"

"Ion got no Snapchat freaks" Kentrell muttered and I made a face. The door opened and FINALLY Dana arrived back with two gift wrapped boxes

"I'm back!" She yelled and both my momma and grandma made their way into the living room.

"Can we get our gifts now?" Elena asked impatiently and Dana smacked her lips, handing the both of us a box. We unwrapped them and inside was lipgloss and a whole bunch of other stuff I actually needed.. but I know she didn't make us wait for this

"What's this?" Elena asked, pulling out a T-shirt and I grabbed the one in my box. I unfolded the shirt and read the big blue printed letters on the front

"World's Greatest Auntie?" Elena read the words out loud, just as confused as I was. That's when it clicked and I looked at Dana

"You pregnant?"

She nodded "3 months"

my mouth dropped open and Kentrell started to chuckle

"Oh shit"

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