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( The picture is of Gui Fedrizzi which I use as the visual example for Nord)

When no one came to wake me this morning I felt irritated.

They always forgot me. They always abandoned me.

But then I sat up and heard the shouting.

I was worried until Rayus and Antoine came running into my room with a yell.

"Sir wake up we have a problem!"

I glared at them " Where the fuck were you!? Where's my breakfast! Why is everyone so useless! "

Rayus growled down at me " NOT the time Maddeus! We've had a security breach, someone's called through that it's Mister Nord White but we don't understand why he's brought his entire security team with him. "

A knock finally came at the door, Rayus opened it jerkily and when I managed to peek through, my jaw dropped.
The entire corridor looked like it was Packed with guards from the White family. I recognized their pale blue uniforms.

At my door was Kayan with none other than Nord.

Rayus finally let them in along with two of Nord's guards.

Rayus stayed stood in front of me with his gun at hand " Stay where you are sir."
When Nord was finally visible I noticed he looked pale.

" Where is he?" He hummed sounding broken.

I was as confused as he was " Huh...?"

He growled " I'm talking about my husband you idiot! Youre his friend, don't you know where he's gone!?"

I blinked to myself. " Wait... Did Light run away from home?"

Nord exhaled staring at the floor " No! I..."

He couldn't even get words out and this was getting embarrassing.
I got off the bed and decided to do what I do best.

" Nord. Dude. I'll tell you everything I know. But first. Let's sit down and have something to eat man. You look like you could use it. "
He leered at me like he wasn't interested but he didn't seem in the mood to argue.

It took maybe half an hour to get everyone settled.

My guards were all grouped up in the main lounge keeping an eye on Nord's guards, Kayan and Antoine were helping maids serve them all teas and coffees.

Nord looked over them protectively.
I groaned up at him " Have some of your breakfast man. I know you don't wanna eat but..."

He exhaled looking miserable before finally picking up his knife and fork.

Rayus walked over to me holding out two coffees to Nord's two guards.
The three began conversing much like the other guards were talking to Kayan and Antoine.

I exhaled " Look Nord. He's not here. He wouldn't come to me if he wanted to hide from you. You know where I live man."

He growled " He found out... About... "

I hummed " What? The live in toys? Or the fact you practically nearly put a ring on Reed about two years ago?"

He groaned, glaring at me " If you ever tell Light about that..."
I huffed " Dude. You didn't cheat on him right? I don't say shit cause I know you care for Light better than you do for them toys."

He exhaled after sipping on his cup of coffee.
" Light is my whole world Maddeus... Promise me if you hear from him... You'll let me know."

I nodded " Don't mention it dude, besides. Have your breakfast. I bet the kids ain't letting you catch a wink."

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