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" Is... That for me?" he blinked down at me, his movements suddenly jolty.

I smiled up at him "Of course... But more than that I want to know your answer..."

Maddeus smirked pressing a hand to his head.

"You already know my answer... I was going to propose to you..."

I chuckled climbing up off the floor slowly.
"So the question is which rings do you want to use?"

Maddeus smiled up at me
"I know they don't match but how about... I wear your ring... You wear mine... And we can get the other two melted down..."

I raised a brow at him "Oh yeah... Melted into what?"
He quickly avoided my gaze, Nothing. You know... Maybe like... A necklace or something for our future child or something. "

I bit my lip eyeing him up and down.
I had a keen eye for this stuff. Maddeus was not pregnant....
Was he?

"You're not pregnant..."
I began and he quickly pushed in "Of course I'm not... I'm just saying... Y'know. In future... if you want to."

He began twirling his hand as if trying to gesture some secret to me.

I suppose he was trying to tell me children weren't something he was ready for but... I respected that.

It was still waaaay early to be thinking about baby Rayuses.

The wedding day was a nightmare.

At the crack of dawn random girls broke into my bedroom, to wake Maddeus and I.

Four of them ran off with Maddy, the other three stayed with me.

They began pulling at random suits sizing me up.

Our wedding was huge, but not as big as many elite families would have their weddings. Everything was last minute because of how busy my fiancé was.

The girls kept picking up suits, and all I remembered was his word of advice: I'm going to pick black, if you wanna match go for it.

I hummed reflecting on his words. The girls picked up a black suit, a navy suit, and then something strange.

I smirked deciding that for once... I can afford to be the fun one.

I pointed at the suit, the girls glaring at me silently. It was a bit much but I was sure I could work it.

I was half falling asleep as the girls began trimming my scruff of a beard and kept trying to apply various lotions to my face.

I blinked up at one of them growing irritated.
"Can someone go get me breakfast!? I feel like it's my wedding day and I'm getting surrounded by a groupie of girls!"

The same girl placed her hands on her hips and scowled at me.
"We were just preparing you for your mama, She said if you're not presentable at the wedding she wouldn't pay us."

I rolled my eyes.
Thanks mom.

By 9am I'd received something to eat but also a while after, a gift from my husband to be.

It was a card with a handwritten note.

" I can't wait for the after Party."
On this card was a picture and as I glanced down... Something twitched in my pants.

I cleared my throat as the girls began to aw and hum in adoration.

"aw you're blushing, did Mr Santos send you a cute message?"

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