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(Picture is of Charles Bilgrien. Who I use as the physical rep of Maddeus.)

My heart was pounding like fucking crazy.

I'd never managed to piss Rayus off that badly. Matter of fact I'd near pissed myself because he looked like he was going to kill me.
Regardless I called down doctor Reign who seemed inconvenienced by the whole ordeal.

Frankly it was kind of cute... Watching Rayus sprawled out on the couch, arms crossed, breathing deep with a thermometer in his mouth looking like he was five seconds away from snapping.

Doctor Reign only sighed with irritation removing the thermometer

" Have you been sleeping properly?"

Rayus groaned "Yeah! I sleep four to six hours depending on the situations."

Doc exhaled " that's really poor Rayus you should be resting properly."

His brows furrowed "Do I look like the captain of the pillow party crew to you!? No! I'm on top of security! If I sleep no one else does."

I hissed "Look Ry. You take on a lot of shit yourself."
His eyes fell on me almost as if for once he was trying to listen.
I continued" Kayan is pretty good with the security maybe you should split the workload better or even with the other guys. You shouldn't be handling shit all by yourself. "


I stuck my fingers in my ears watching as his face turned red.


Okay. Sick Rayus was.... A pain in the ass.

I groaned in defeat" I was just trying to help man jeez!"
He threw himself back on the couch.

"If you wanna help just stop putting yourself in danger all the time. You're gonna be the death of me."

My heart skipped at his sudden gentle tone. Looking over at him he was exhausted... Pale and clammy... I felt a little guilty. He was always coming to my rescue. That's why he wasn't sleeping well.

But when he got up and sulked back to his room... I felt a bit better about myself.

That afternoon I spent most of my time calling up my lawyers.

Truth was I wanted my dad kicked off the board if it meant I could take over and do our brand some good.

Unfortunately the news was coming back negative.
Erwyn chuckled "Maddeus! While you're a great manager down at them clubs... You realise you haven't got the authority to keep your name alive. If your dad is selling it away that's what he wants to do. You don't even have the legal standing to do such a thing!"

I bit my lip" What will it take before anyone let's me have custody of this business? "

Erwyn groaned" Well... You'd have to demonstrate competency of being able to both run, maintain and represent the businesses you own sir."

I let out a sigh" God fucking damn it. And then you'll stand behind me in court? "

He hummed" and then I'll stand behind you in the meeting sir yes. "

I hung up on him glaring down at the documents.

Where to start?

That evening I received a call from Hart who wanted to hang out.

I felt guilty. I really couldn't right now thinking about my business, thinking about Rayus being ill.
Deep down though Hart had been super supportive of me. He was never pestering me for any special treatment he was just a cool dude who liked talking to me and I liked him as a friend. He was great.

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