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Caspar growled out again "Stop blurting out nonsense! If you want some fucking attention put yourself in a grave not me you idiot!"

The court session drew out with me feeling more and more awful that neither dad or I were good enough to be running a business.

The decision wouldn't even be made today considering Caspar had clearly been in fucking kahoots with people present.

What didn't help was how empty it felt when I was sat with Nord in the car.

He growled under his breath.
"There is no chance those two will get off now."

Looking over at the lean man, he was eyeing his view out the window.

I could only sigh, leaning into him till could see the stubble on his chin.

"Look dude. It was good knowing you while it lasted. You and me aint buddies but you look after Light nice. But you and I... Both know the house of Santos was set to fuck up."

I growled under my breath at the realisation.
"We're just one big giant pool of fucked up..."

Nord hummed disapprovingly "mmm... I disagree."

I glanced back at him "Wanna explain?"

He chuckled "No. But... I promise that even if you still lose your business in all this... I give you my word the house of Earnway will break first. Those two had it coming."

I frowned feeling my heart pound in my chest.

People were... Too fucking good to me.


When we didn't pull up outside the White residence I grew confused.

" Hey Where'd you bring me?"

Nord smirked at me, those eyes shining mischievous blues

"Well... I told Light we can't keep you with us Maddeus... And then... He mentioned you have another friend... On 1283 Midtorrent Street."

Oh my god that fucking address...

Glancing out my window I recognised the large bear stood outside and couldn't help but feel the knot tighten in my belly.

" Y'know Nord. Tell Light I said touché."

Well... He did say he wanted to get me back for the treasure chest of porn I sent him.

I guess this was it...

While I was utterly fucked and penniless I was living with none other than Rayus and his bratty cousin.

" Maddeus... Eat your stew. Seriously its good."  Rayus was fixed on his bowl, sat beside me on the couch.

I pouted at the bowl instead.
"Did your.... Cousin make this?"
"Caerys?"  he glanced back at me wide eyed.

I hummed softly and he chuckled "Yeah. He's kinda made it a habit to act like a domestic housewife."

I scoffed under my breath.


I wasn't a shallow dude so I tried to be calm about it considering I knew Rayus wasnt into twinky winky anyway.

"I thought you'd be the domestic kind of guy but even you can't look after your own home huh?"

Rayus chuckled "What? Mad that there's another dude in my home?"

He glanced up at me, catching my gaze so fast I felt the underlying mock hit me in the face.

"Eh... I don't care. I'm just saying... I don't get why he's living with you."

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