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"Well well well... If it isn't my favourite toy."

Looking over the vultures were circling like normal. I was ready to gag but I quickly turned my head away, realising now I was dressed as Ellyn while this moron was dressed as none other than Alphonse in that familiar black and red suit.
I hated it.

Blue was speaking to Carlen who seemed excited to see him. I was happy that idiot was getting out considering this was what he was scared of all along.
But now I was stuck with two shady assholes and a fear they might be interested in hurting me.

"You know Reed. I'd really appreciate it... If you... Didn't sneak off to act suspicious with people who don't even care what you've got to say..."

Caspar was leaning way too much into me, trying to get a look at me and I swear to God I just wanted to punch him in the face.

He chuckled"You know I asked you before... Reed. Why don't... You just come and hang out with us... One time. Just one time and I can... Make you reconsider all those stupid assumptions you toys have about me and Ryte. We ain't evil or something. "

I laughed to myself raising a hand in his face
" I'm sorry did you forget. One: Not interested. Two: My buyer is right across the fucking room... "

He growled, his voice low cutting me off" Three, unless you wanna be a dead bitch you'll listen to me. Four, if you wanna be a smart bitch... You'll tell Blue you're meeting up with some friends... And you'll walk out right now. "

I knew this wasn't smart but... I wasn't dumb either.
I looked back at Caspar and smiled at him" I'm a smart bitch. Promise you, I'll have the last laugh one way or another sweety pie. "

I swayed, over to Blue and smiled at him all pretty.
He looked confused as did Carlen.

" I'm just gonna head outside, smoke some w*ed."

Blue frowned at me as if he was confused.
I quietly prayed he wasn't that dumb.
I walked out past him. Biting my lip.
Please fucking please don't be that dumb.

He knew me better than that.
He knew I smoked.
But time and time again he thought I smoked w*ed and I told him I didn't touch the stuff.

I could only pray...



Carlen chuckled beside me " I wouldn't go after him if I were you Blue."

I frowned at him. How could he say that...

He saw the look in Reed's eyes. He looked frightened!

I frowned at Carlen. "Carlen... He's important to me."

He scowled at me before letting out a chuckle "A toy!? Important? Blue. I know what you're thinking. But trust me if you chase after that toy you're as stupid as he is."

No. I remember when I first saw my wife dead... And the first thing I was told was... I murdered her.

And I just... Asked myself...
Did I murder her?
I guess I... Murdered her.

I wasn't going to believe this nonsense... Not again. But I would have to wiser. Maybe I'd follow Reed... But not right away. Maybe he was just going for a smoke and maybe he was just teasing about w*ed.
Secretly... I wished all was okay.
My heart was pounding. I couldn't let anything happen to him.

I frowned up at Carlen " He might be my toy but without him I would probably still be as good as dead... Lying in a room... Believing I killed a woman... Which I'll have you know I loved more than this entire World. Carlen open your fucking eyes. The world has moved on from those days where you father and forefathers kept toys to be subservient. My toy is my companion. If anything he is my equal..."

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