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It had been a couple of months since Maddeus and I had been dating. His dad had unexpectedly let me into their family. The only issue was keeping private life... Private.

Maddeus chose to do that by acting sexy free and single while we were in the early stages of our relationship... And while I was protective and kind of greedy...

He made his point, that he was in this for the long haul when we agreed on making love together.

Since then he'd been busy a lot... But I received the privilege of seeing him more often and spending time at Santos estates... With my boyfriend of six months.

It began to play on my mind that I should be thinking about the bigger picture.

I wasn't getting any younger and Maddeus... Well I didn't know how he felt about starting a family but...

"When you gonna pop the question eh!?"
My mother batted long lashes at me looking irritated, as she stirred her coffee.

A soft jingling sound Alerted me to the presence of Caerys.
He pulled open the door panting at me.

"I got your Ring dude, but you have to drop me off to the other side of the Arts building."

I frowned at him extending a hand, watching him rummage his jacket pockets.

"Why, what's on the other side of the arts department Cae?"

Immediately he stiffened, joltily pulling out the small box and slamming it into my hands.

He quickly turned his back on me.
" Stupid! It's nothing."

Mami from behind me growled "Heh! He thinks he can play pretend forever, mijo. Your cousin went and got himself a frat boy.  I told him he's stupid. Does he listen to me? No. Dios mio. Nobody listens to me. Everybody grow up and become their own mami!"
I continued listening, opening up the navy velvet box, two silver bands sat inside.

I felt a little excited.

I jumped up off the couch nodding at Caerys who was in the middle of fixing his hair.

" We should get moving. I'm gonna go visit Maddy tonight."

Caerys' eyes widened at me as my mom squealed.
"Oooooh! Are you finally doing it!?"
I nodded back at her "I'm finally doing it."

She bursted into giggles calling out compliments and pet names,praising me for moving my butt.

It was a quiet evening today... And I wasn't sure if Maddeus would even be home... But I knew it was a good day for serious questions.
My life had regained calm. I felt more in touch with my family these days.

What's more... More in touch with my heart.

Caerys cleared his throat as I drove him down the street further towards the College site.

"Uh so... How do you know... This is right For you Ry?"

I blinked down at my cousin.

"Cae. I've loved him as long as I can remember. When you love someone... The little shit doesn't matter. You know what I mean? You'd risk life and limb for 'Em."
He chuckled "It's just... I don't know.. I'm used to people just seeing me like some fling. It's weird looking at you and how you've always had one guy on your plate."

I smirked "Yeah. I get what you mean. But you're young. You can afford to fuck around. I..."

I reflected on how... For a long time it wasn't love... It was just... Adoration. And then it blossomed.

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