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I frowned at the blue ball, Tyler had been quiet since I invited him round.

After I told him what my father was planning on doing... It seemed even he fell quiet in mortification.

Eventually it was my turn to hit the stupid red ball with the mallet
I swung it so hard it flew out into the open field.
I then proceeded to fling my mallet in the same direction. Stomping hard on the ground.


Tyler finally sighed at me " The lawyers all took his side on this?"

I sighed heavily walking towards him and groaning.

" Yeah... I don't know what caused him to make this decision..."

Tyler frowned at me blinking soft dark eyes at me" and you're telling me he's transferring Rayus? "

I bit my lip noticing a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I rocked my arms back and forth feeling the hurt build back up..
" Yes... "

He hummed softly walking around the grass before softly hitting one of the croquet balls it missed the hoop by a few inches.

" All this doesn't seem suspicious to you?"

I let out a sigh "Whats supposed to be suspicious? My old man whoring out and spending money like he don't care? I don't understand what youre trying to say Tyler. "

He suddenly leered at me "He's gotten rid of your security captain... He's taken you out of power. What if... He's upto something?"

I scoffed at him "Like what?"

He mumbled " I don't know... Selling out to someone? Moving abroad? Cutting ties with allies and friends? I don't know Maddeus it all just seems fishy is what I'm saying... And your lawyers are in on it."

I exhaled back at him "Well... Then there ain't shit I can do about that dude."


Astro was being taught how to work the cameras by Kayan when I arrived back indoors watching the two as Kayan looked amused and Astro looked intimidated.

I smiled at him comfortingly "Dude don't worry about it. You won't be left on your own to do this job."

Kayan chuckled at me pointing at the screen "Looks like Ry's arrived to speak with Mr Santos."

My jaw dropped "Wait! So soon!? How'd he get here? I mean he hurt his leg only a few days ago.."
Kayan scoffed " Sir that guys a tank. I bet you he was up and running after two days."

I remembered him back at his house. Even though his movement had been stiff... He'd still managed to pick me up and toss me around.

Something burned with hunger in the pit of my stomach. But it wasn't for food.

Astros eyes widened" Well he ain't alone anyway, has this red-haired kid with him. "

I looked over recognising his cousin from last nights visit.

I decided to go and speak with them but very quickly... Rayus was ignoring me acting like nothing had happened yesterday.

I bit my lip watching as he walked into my dad's office and I glared over at his cousin.

"What are you doing here?"

He smiled softly "Making sure he's fine. He neglects his health a lot so."

I bit my lip internally agreeing.
Yeah... Rayus did avoid looking after himself especially because he was busy chasing after my crazy behind.

I felt a little guilty "Is he doing okay?"
I asked cautiously.

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