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It was a good day to come home.
My dad had found out about Rayus. He'd told me that I would never be allowed to date him and suddenly Rayus walked in and everything is Tickety fucking boo!?
I leaned over my father with my hands outstretched trying to reach for his neck.

"Come here you fucking asshole, you."

Too bad Rayus was keeping me away somehow but I can't believe the shittiness of this old man.

When I was too worn out to try and strangle my dad as he sat there reading, I decided to cuss him out instead.

" The minute you die I swear to God I'm throwing your corpse out for dogs to fight for."

Rayus chuckled behind me, when I looked over at him he'd had me pinned back with just one hand pulling my collar.

My father grunted staring at his book "Why are both of you back here again? I thought I already said we weren't discussing the matter any further!"

He glared at me, then at Rayus and then back at me.

"Some privacy please!? This is my room!"

I lifted my leg "Oh yeah!? Well this is my foot... In your ass!"
Rayus pulled me back by my collar with a groan.

"Come on Maddeus. Let's get out of his hair."

I growled back " What hair!? That prick doesn't have hair! Figuratively and literally, Look at him!"

My father raised a brow at me the entire time as his figure grew smaller in my view. Eventually the door closed and we were outside his room again.

I stood back up with a huff, pulling my blazer jacket comfortably back over my form and neatening myself out.

Rayus chuckled crossing his arms "Is that how you argue at business meetings, cause if yes... I'm concerned."

I couldn't help but smile at his words.
"No...This magnificence is reserved just for family and friends."

A smile lit up on his face as I gestured to myself.
He tugged at my arm, holding my wrist.

"Maddeus, I wanna take you back to mine but... First thing's first. I was wondering if we could do something new... Here at your home."

I raised a brow at his words and followed him around to the other side of the house.

I expected something weird or freaky... But when we ended up in the security training rooms I felt a little let down.

His smiles gave it all away.
" I think that...since we're back home and now that you're mine... I can't risk anyone hurting you again. We are gonna learn some self defense Maddeus."

I folded my arms, leaning back against the wall nearest to the exit.

"Dude. Please. I'm the king of Karate! The lord of lancing. The..."

Rayus raised a hand at me " The spirit of Bruce Lee in the body of a prepubescent teenage girl. Yes I've heard this speech so many times Maddy."

I pouted at his words. "That's not how it goes, even you know that. I'm gonna make you sorry you even said that."

Rayus chuckled pulling at his form fitting shirt and pulling it over his head.

"Oh yeah? Well then prove it. Me and you: A fight right here."

He swung his shirt off, throwing it onto the floor in one swift move before gesturing me to come at him.

I shrugged unbuttoning my shirt, shaking my head at the floor.
" I'll make you sorry. You know you cant bruise me or my dad will probably change his mind on you right?"

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