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I felt my hair stand on end with how close Rayus was stood behind me.

A part of me felt weak and immature. Here I was at a meeting more focused on setting two guards on a date.

But I reminded myself I was young... I could afford to be crazy.
I glanced over at Rayus and smirked "You gonna... Ask him out?"

Rayus raised a brow at me in confusion.
I chuckled "Oh come on you guys are so alike! Me and Tyler agreed you guys should totally go out on a date."

He groaned "Yeah, y'know what... you're probably right."
My jaw dropped " WAIT REALLY!?"

He suddenly frowned at me " No of course not really! Maddeus..."
A sudden low voice interrupted our conversation.

" Well if it isn't my favourite friend. How have you been Maddeus? "

A shiver travelled up my spine as Rayus purred into my neck
"You will behave yourself. You're surrounded by many people. "

I scoffed " Oh whatever. "

He mewled " Maddeus... "

I glowered at Carlen" You listen to me pal! "
Too late his eyes were off me and on Rayus.
" I'm not interested in anything a brat has to say. Tell me how does he afford to keep such a top notch security captain. You do realise on my side... There are better perks and better challenges. Your training is better rewarded looking after country presidents... "

He eyed me up and down like I was some mutt.
" Not playing nanny to a six year old. "

I felt something twist in my stomach. I wanted Rayus to shut him down.

But what did that fucker do?

" Your words are too harsh on him, but I do appreciate your concern. I feel that while the grass may be greener. This is where my loyalties lie. "

I was so mad... I went over to the drinks listening to the trail of "Sir! Sir.. Si... Sir!"
I didn't care. He could keep on kissing ass. I just wanted to drink tonight.

After I downed two glasses of wine, I noticed Rayus on my tail looking guilty.

What did he want!? An invitation to upset me!?

No Maddeus handle it like a man.
I exhaled" I'm giving you a formal notice. If you want to work for him... Say it and I'll make it happen. Just dont... Kiss his ass around me. You make me look bad. "

He frowned at the floor as I brushed past him. I hoped he felt terrible. He was supposed to be my friend.

I went and spent the remainder of the evening in the back of my car.
Mostly because I felt like an outcast there. I wasn't gonna lie. There were a lot of big names in that room. And our name was small and only getting smaller. I was never gonna be taken seriously. Light married a big name.. I didn't have that as an option.
And I didn't really want to.
Big names were all... Assholes.

When Rayus sat down in the front of the car and began to drive us home... I realised that maybe I don't appreciate him enough..
I called out to him as I lay down on the seats...
"If youre happier somewhere else. Just let me know okay. I'll make sure... You don't stay here longer than you have to."

For a while there was silence as I felt the alcohol bring about a quick haze of drowsiness.

But then he mumbled something softly.
" Why would I go over there when you're over here dummy. "
It made me somewhat happy.

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