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His mouth fell open but I could only focus on the soft chuckle behind me.
"Niiiice. Nice touch."

I was getting irritated with Cormac's involvement but I focused on Maddeus solely... Pretending to myself it was only me and him.

"Don't look at me..." I ordered and Maddeus quickly complied staring at the floor.

I heard the sharp intake of breath and when I focused on Maddeus in the dimly lit room like this... The silence began to eat at me...
He was avoiding me with a soft rouge on his cheeks.

I felt my own heart hammering in excitement.
"Maddeus... I..." I stopped myself from trying to be soft again.
Instead I clenched my hands into fists and growled at him.

"You heard what your friend said kid. Get on your knees and don't you dare think about looking at me."

Maddeus glanced up at me quickly as if scared or confused... But that made me feel exposed.

When he looked at me with his soft eyes I could only remember who I was.

I quickly growled " Are you deaf or just stupid!? "

His eyes widened and quickly... He got down on his knees before me staring at the ground.

The man behind me growled.
"See if I were you I'd take it up a notch. You should punish the kid for disobeying ya, Dom. He was disrespecting your orders. You're the boss here right? You give the orders. He follows your commands... And still..."

A cold tingle travelled down my spine.

He was right. I was the boss but this was hard... When I saw Maddeus... I saw the kid that I protected. I saw the man that I adored.

I let out a long sigh shaking my head" That's enough. I can't. "

Immediately Maddeus gawped up at me and Cormac hissed from behind me.

" Oh what!? Really!? You're gonna give up just like that!?"
Maddeus jumped up off the floor blinking at me with a look of fear.

" Dude, are you okay? "

I hissed out a breath of air glancing around the quiet room.

"Tonight was interesting Maddeus but...We should go home."

He continued to blink at me vacantly before nodding his head.

He was watching me as if he was expecting me to revert to that state of being again.

But soon enough Maddeus would calm down the irritated Cormac and we would make our way out of the club late into the night.
It didn't help that it was a cold night... But my heart was hammering.

My body was heating up fast and my body was stiff from the tension earlier.
I swear to God I'd been so turned on seeing Maddeus behave so obediently.

Maddeus was never obedient or soft but I liked that he could act like that for show.

"I thought you were finally getting into it..." Maddeus hummed in the back passengers seat biting his thumb.

I shrugged softly focusing on him in the rearview of the cab.

"Hey, I told you I wasn't into stuff like that..."

Maddeus let out a long sigh staring out the window I tried to focus on directing the cab driver on which direction was best for getting us home.

Arriving back at mine, I'd begun to stumble. I realised stairs were too much for me to handle right now but Maddeus made sure to carry me all the way home, past my living room, to my bedroom. The only issue was... My mom had taken my bed.

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