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As I sat with Mr Russworth he only continued to scowl at his phone tapping at it as if it were an inconvenience.

Eventually he grinned.

I continued focused on checking various documents for him and glancing up at the computer screen making sure they were accounted for.

Mr Russworth purred " Noooord. How are those darling boys of yours?"

I could hear the murmur of Mr Whites irritated voice.
"Get to the fucking point Carlen. It's late."

Mr Russworth groaned "You know I only beat around the bush when I'm bored Nord. I'll ask you again. How are those two boys."

"Look. I'm not letting you play Godfather to my kids. Light already decided who they're going to be looked after by. I had no say in the affair."

Mr Russworth chuckled "Do I not make a fine candidate? My child will need a fine right hand man."

Mr White made a groan of disgust.
" I thought you said you were... Y'know."

He suddenly sounded forlorn.
"I did too. The medicine has been made for all forms of dysfunctions to be corrected... And still... It was not possible with any of my previous partners. Mind you I was never romantically pulled to any of them."

Mr White chuckled " What a waste you are on Iylese. "

Mr Russworth smirked sticking a pen in his mouth.
" Nord. I will have an heir. One way or another. Matter of fact that day may come sooner than you think."

An awkward silence fell between the two and Mr White resumed softly" You know... That... Wasn't it supposed to be bad news?"

Mr Russworth chuckled" Oh what bad news do we refer to? The rumour? That within the house of Carte Gregor there can only be one instance of infertility otherwise... "

Mr White growled" You know the damned stories. "

Mr Russworth chortled" My great household Nord... That's all they are. Stories. If we can make monsters we can slay them too. I'll make sure of it. I just request... Your family forever remain supportive. "

Mr White fell quiet.
" What are you planning? "

Mr Russworth cleared his throat." I'm going to run for presidency."

Another awkward pause... Followed by a sigh.

" Goodnight Carlen!"

I raised a brow watching the man smirk at his phone once the conversation had died.

"What was that about sir?"

Mr Russworth smirked " But Games Rayus."

His voice continued lower " Mere Games. Mind you... We have a more serious issue to focus on Captain."

I glared at him "And what's that?"

Carlen sat staring at me behind linked hands, elbows resting on the table between us.

"When we left Santos Estates I sent a few of my own eyes, to go and keep watch of what happened. Not immediately of course for people were still celebrating however... A little later into the night... A car pulled up... And well two men exited the car and searched around the building. Since then they'd left and I've not heard word from young Mr Santos..."

I gritted my teeth growing really fucking tired at him.
" What are you trying to say... Sir!? "
He leered at me.
" I'm trying to say that as of quarter past in to the new day... Maddeus Santos has been missing from Santos estates. "

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