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"Can you believe it? Dad used to own this place..." I glanced out the tall tower top restaurant overlooking the whole of the busy city.

Rayus wiped his lips on the napkin, staring at me with his sharp beady eyes.

"I don't know I don't remember your dad ever coming here..."

I knew why.

"This is where he proposed to mom. Of course she was already huge with me though. Dad is a real puzzle. I don't get what was so special about mom I mean..."

I stared back down at my empty plate.

" He's made poor effort in the love department after her."

Rayus smiled at me folding and wrapping the napkin in his hands.

" Maddeus. I don't think you get it yet."

I bit my lip in confusion.
" Huh? "

He chuckled almost sounding nervous... But his stare was Full of something hopeful.

" Maddeus... A long term relationship that really means something to someone.... Usually can't be replaced... Especially when you've loved someone for so long.... Every relationship after feels like you're missing something... So... They end up being... Passing flings... You know what I mean? "

I thought on those words... And realised how I'd never had that... Because I'd been around toys all my life.
Toys walking in and out.
Servants... In and out.
The only thing... That remained consistent was...
I clenched my hands trying to gain some self control.

I wanted to cry.

The only person who stuck with me through the highs and lows... Was sitting opposite me.

I wanted to show him how I felt.... I wanted to say... Something meaningful.... Or make a big gesture.... But that wasn't me...

And I couldn't... Do that in public now.

The entire time he followed me out and we were lead out by the establishment staff and my own security guards...

I counted every step as we made our way down from the building into my car.

Maybe... I could kiss him in the privacy of the darkened windows and silent space.

But as I climbed in, watching Ry climb in after... I felt a pang of annoyance... I watched him only to realise he hadn't looked my way at all...
Instead he greeted my driver who immediately began asking where we were going and telling us the route was blocked off.

Rayus politely told him to take us another route but as I tried to speak he kept trying to navigate the driver... Cutting me off.

Ending up in a long queue of cars moments later... I took my chance.

I gripped onto his arm for dear life only to see his surprised eyes meet mine in the darkness.

I pushed myself up off the backseat and up against his lips, the softness meeting my own and for a second... I had to ask myself... What I wanted right now...

In the backseat, in the silence... While we were stuck in traffic... I wanted to give him a simple sign of my affection.... Yeah so we had kissed before....
But this was different... I wanted him to know... He meant everything to me.

When I felt something warm slide up against my back... I realised he'd leaned into me and took hold of me... Supporting me... And I thought I was gonna melt.
It was hard trying not to smile as I kissed him but... When I moved away he continued to watch me with a confused look in his eyes.

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