Final Chapter

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It was early morning and tiredness was beginning to hit hard.

I realised it was a bad idea exploring our BDSM dungeon on our wedding night.

It didn't change the fact that it made my breath catch...

"Ah... Ah... Maddy... Maddy!" I clung to his head as he moved closer to the base of my cock.

Maddeus had an amazing body... It didn't help that he was all wrapped up in ribbon and I couldn't work out where to untie him from.

But I knew he would eventually unwrap himself when the time was right.

I really couldn't stop thinking about tearing him out of all that bright ribbon.

I was getting harder and wetter by the moment feeling his kisses and soft licks.
The way his eyes were closed was fucking hot. I'd never seen Maddeus so absorbed in anything... I felt happy... He loved me enough to give this 100%.

I cleared my throat, unable to contain a chuckle.

Those eyes fluttered open and I recognised confusion in them.

I groaned softly "Maddy... How am I gonna get you out of all that babe..."

He bit his lip up at me and leaned closer towards me with a whisper.
"My right inner thigh has the knot. Come and get it."

I groaned at his invitation.

Fucking cocktease.
I leaned forward staring down at Maddeus who was returning a confused expression.

I leaned in close until I could feel his body heat radiating. Pushing my lips to his I closed my eyes and took hold of his shoulders.

He moaned as I bit at his lip and felt to slow movement of his tongue.

He pulled away from me breathy and blushing.

It was always fun leaving Maddeus speechless.

He grinned up at me those eyes sparkling.

"So... Are you gonna..."

I nodded at him silently, gesturing at him to get off the floor with my hand.
He got up and turned around, clearly trying to show me where the ribbon was.

It was on the sweet spot of his inner thigh, the tender spot that smoothed out before it reached the groin.

I slid my hands between his legs rubbing up against the smoothness. Maddeus shook violently.
"Hey! I'm ticklish."

I groaned "Oh yeah well get used to it..."

I tugged softly at the ribbon. It came loose like a bunch of falling petals.

It all eventually fell to the floor in a loose pile.

Fuck I loved this.
I could see his form better underneath it all.

The dip in his back, the curve of his ass, his shoulder blades , underneath Maddeus also had on some matching silk underwear.

I tugged at it gently before letting it go again.

"Maddy...Giddy up."

He gawped at me silently "You want me to ride you again?"

I eyed up his naked body feeling my own patience wearing thin.

"Well I want to enjoy you... I want to see you when you ride me Maddy."

He bit his lip and in that moment I knew he would have done anything for me.

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