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I looked over the documents slowly.

It had been three days since the incident.

The Earnway home had been Seized by Maddeus with the help of the Whites security forces, Tyler and Owls assistance on the building and its layout.
And finally with Blue where it came to getting the law and paramedics involved.

Mr Russworth upon further conversation had told Maddeus he wanted to take down those two irresponsible young men. It was His excuse as to why he had showed up. Though when Maddeus had left his side Mr Russworth chuckled that he only did so because he saw which way the tide was turning.

The letter before me was regarding the court summoning.
Carlen had read it out while the others sat around in conversation.

Even now Maddeus was focused on filling in papers and reading forms.

Nord sat by looking over them with him.

Mr Carter, his toy, Mr Song and his guard were not present

Mr Russworth eventually let out a long sigh looking up at me "We really should be heading off Rayus. I have arrangements to settle."

I frowned at him "You said you would help Maddeus settle the debt!"

He leered at me "Captain!"

I groaned in defeat.

Maddeus was still busy looking at a letter but quickly glanced in our direction "Ry... Its fine. One way or another. I'll find some way to keep myself alive. There's gotta be something."

Light hummed "Maddeus if worse comes to worst... You can always stay with us... Right Nord?"
Mr White frowned at his husbands question. "Temporarily I wouldn't mind... The trouble is... Maddeus could be out of money for a long time."

Light groaned.

Mr Russworth growled again "Captain!?"
Looking back he was waiting at the door with a desperate look on his face to leave already.

I gave one final look at Maddeus noting how hard he was working.

Internally I prayed.
I wanted everything to go well for him.

He didn't need anymore trouble.


"Sir I request permission to come along to the court hearing."

Carlen stared at me from his desk liked I'd asked the impossible.

"No." he said quickly focusing back on his work.

I walked further into his room with a huff "Really... You're not gonna let me come along... After..."

He dropped his pen on the desk with a clatter, interrupting me.

Throwing himself back in the chair he glowered up at me.

I bit my lip realising that as always... I was pushing the boundaries.

He sighed hard " I need you to do an important job for me during this period of time. Youre my security captain and I'm entrusting you with a task I've never entrusted to anyone before."

I blinked at the man in confusion.
He was giving me a special task and I felt like he respected me.

He leaned forward on the desk, chin resting in his hand.
" I'm going to be focused on this court case... And you're going to keep my Toy under obs. Are we clear?"

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