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I didn't know what to tell Rayus considering I had so much shit flooding my skull.
I'd never been bombarded by so much negativity... I'd never thought people could hate me for no reason. But all those little thoughts began to pile up.

Why did My Own Godfather hate me
Why did Nord not want to let me stay at his place
Why was I such a let down to my dad
Why couldn't I open up to Rayus about all these things...

Truth was, For a long time my future was clear... I knew where I was going. I never had to plan or worry. I just had to have fun and sit in at a meeting or two... Now I had nothing...

I was almost being forced to find something to do... And there was.... Too much available and none of it was useful to me.

Music rung out at the event and I could only focus on trying to see the different pairs.

Some people liked bondage... Others liked sensory depravation.
Some liked degradation and that really was something that wet my whistle but... The thing I liked most was submission.

Completely forgetting who you were and focusing on the needs of someone else.

A loud grunt disturbed my trance, and when I looked over Rayus was still stumbling along behind me confused and intimidated.

I smiled at him, holding onto his large angular hands and leading him towards the bar.

" Two Whiskys please.."

Rayus glanced at me in the dim lighting judgingly. Even in the low lighting, his sharp eyes danced with danger.

It was making me feel something considerin I hadn't been with anyone for well...
I could count but I wasn't going to.
All I needed to think about right now was My family.

The lady at the bar smiled and handed us our drinks... And I took it down fast like a champ. Rayus only continued judging me in silence.

"Maddeus what the fuck are we doing here?"
Rayus frowned.

I smirked to myself shaking my head.

"Today. You are finally gonna let loose Ry. We are gonna find you someone and you are gonna go and wind Down."

The look of rage on his face told me he was not on the same page as me.

Watching how one of the doms manipulated and controlled his sub. I was lost in a trance as the younger man moved around cluelessly and out of breath.

Slurping beside me reminded me that Rayus probably had never been to a Bdsm joint before but now that I watched him, his cheeks were softly glowing and his eyes were fixed on the scene in front of him.

He nodded up at the two men "Are you into shit like this?"

A soft shriek came from the boy in front of me but I made one quick glance before focusing back on Rayus.

"I mean yeah. Toys are great at being subservient and all..."
I began covering the history of how toys weren't just fancy prostitutes. They had many services to provide depending on the buyer... Now though as I gave up my speech, I realised Rayus was frowning at me as If he was irritated by me.

I choked on words with a nervous laugh.
"What? You're looking at me like I'm crazy?"

He continued facing at the two men with a grumble.
"Is that it? Why you think me and you don't add up? I'm too.... Boring for you?"

I quickly leaned over to him clutching his knee.

"Dude! You know it ain't like that!"

Rayus resumed softly batting dark lashes focusing on the scene in front of me.

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