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I sat in silence beside him. He could cuss at me and ignore me all he wanted.

Truth is I wanted to admit that I was exactly what the Earnways had called me.
I wanted to tell him Carlen was right and that he deserved better.

Maddeus Santos was a fucking immature incompetent brat who couldn't even look after the people that kept him safe...

Instead it seemed Rayus just remained quiet.
He was breathing slowly.... Clearly working off his fever.

I decided that he was right. I wouldn't be seeing Hart any more.
Not after all that, but what's more I learned to be more careful. I was too trusting of him because he was friendly and kind to me.
I felt heat build up in my cheeks. Just lying here asleep... How did Rayus still have a scowl on his face?

His hair looked silky as fuck though... I was near tempted to touch it but laughed at myself to keep myself from actually doing it.
I looked down at my phone moments later, completely aware that Astro was freaking out about what had happened last night.

I decided to calm him down.

I'll talk to Rayus about it. If you're anxious, I want to remind you, you can always say no.

A soft grunt alerted me to Rayus waking up and when I looked over at him, he was staring at me, blinking up at me with those warm Hazel eyes.

"Maddeus... Shouldn't you be at your dad's wedding?"

I bit my lip angrily.
I let out a long sigh "I wanted to hang here... With you. I mean. I'm a fuck up. I wanted to tell you I suck at being sensible but... At the same time I didn't want to go to the wedding... Knowing full well I would either get upset or angry.... Or make an ass of myself."

Rayus continued to blink at me softly.
" Maddeus." he extended a hand in my direction cautiously and I felt a sudden pang of need.
Was he going to touch me?
No. He stopped himself with a hiss. His arm left stationary midair.
"You should really go. At least to the reception. He's your dad."

I was focused on one thing though.
"First I want you to do what you were about to do..."

He glared at me wide eyed,"What're you..."
" You were about to touch my hair right? Look. I don't know about you.... But while I'm a fuck up, no one seems to remember I was drugged last night. I was scared and alone in a dark place with no one with me... And.."

Looking his way, I only Saw his hand as he brushed the fingers through. I felt a wave of relief.

The way his strong hands moved through the knots and lengths of my hair.
My hair was pretty curly... And yet he made touching it such a sensual protective thing.
I let out a sigh only for him to groan, lowering his hand.

"Maddeus. Go get dressed. You are attending that party whether you like it or not. Your dad took a bullet to the arm and he's still having his wedding."

I bit my lips "Yeah but..."
He leered up at me "No Buts Maddeus."

I exhaled looking down at him as he avoided my gaze again.
I was tempted... He could have died yesterday. While we weren't close... I cared about him... And while he'd always saved me before... This once when he wasn't there... Internally I prayed and called for him.

I slid my own hand through his hair and listened to him grunt.

He suddenly glowered in my direction looking totally stunned.
But I needed this moment of norm, this moment in a trance... Just to touch him and remind myself... He was alive and safe.
I mumbled down at him " I won't let anything like that happen again."

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