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Warning: Upsetting topics up ahead.

I sat in the reception with Light and his family.

Colin chuckled at me " I heard you met my brother recently sir."

I looked up at the dark haired man not recognising what he was talking about.

He continued "Caerys. My younger brother."

My mouth hung open on its own.
"Oh! Yeah!" I tried to avoid swears as Light held onto his two boys pressing kisses to their heads.

Nord eventually moved from the front door and came round to pick up one of the boys.

Light smiled up at his husband as Nord muttered "We're going soon. The cars being brought round Light."

Light smiled at me with a strange look on his face "You look happier..."

I glared at him "Yeah?"
He smirked nodding at me.
"Yeah. I can't quite place my finger on it... But I can tell somethings up with you."

I shook my head at the floor.
"Yknow me. Nothing new just new flames."
He giggled to himself as I tried to keep Rayus off my Mind.

Light sighed standing up with his baby boy on his hip.

"Alright but... We are in Seattle next week just... Don't be having any Shotgun weddings or something."

I shook my head at him "Yeah right... Shotgun wedding."

I watched the two of them on their way out and I pressed a kiss to my God sons forehead.
Little Honey looked more and more like Light if he wasn't so round.

I waved at the tiny baby.
"Bye bye baby."

He smiled and I waved back at Light as he clambered into his car.

I felt whole today. I felt excited. But at the same time... I felt nervous and worried.

Returning indoors I called up my team to clean up and put stuff away. But as the Night dragged on and I realised the place was empty

I also noted I had a new text message.

It only had one thing written down.

But it was enough to scare me.

We have your old man.

I frowned at the words... But realised All I could do... In this circumstance was... Be smart I had to hand this in to Antoin.

Antoin sighed at the message before returning the phone to me. "We will attempt to trace the number. But there are no promises that there will be any clear lead. Usually these messages are done through a one time use kind of card. It keeps the users number anonymous."

I huffed at him "Just do whatever you can Antoin. It's my dad we've gotta worry about."

I sighed to myself. How the hell was he just as useless as me!?

I tried to sleep. I really did... But at four am when I received a call from an unknown number... I began to panic.

Thankfully I recognised the voice "Maddeus! Oh thank Goodness. I need to speak with you.,

It was Blue...
" Maddeus I arrived home today... Reed told me he was heading out for a bit at your party and I thought well... Maybe he would go out for a short while and then return home... But I've had no word or call from him... He hinted that something may be wrong but I don't want to believe that the Earnways were involved. "

I frowned at the name remembering what Carlen had said earlier in the day about them.

" The Earnways? "

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