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I woke up feeling amazing.

I made some new friends and met new people. Rayus wasn't all up in my face first thing this morning... And what's more... Outside a beautiful day was unfolding.

In my mind I decided.... I wanted to hold a theme party in a couple months to celebrate my birthday.

Rayus groaned at me at the dinner table " All this over you making new friends?"

I waved a knife in his direction " Look negative Nancy if you don't shut up I'm going to fire you."

He pouted at me and I suddenly remembered something.... Hilarious.

"So what happened last night?"
I gave a playful wink. He scoffed at me "Nothing happened! I told you sir. I'm saving myself for someone. That boy is not my type."

I scoffed "Well what is your type? Maybe I know one."

He licked his lips and crossed his arms looking really pissed off.

I realised at that point he really wasn't happy about last night.

I continued focusing on my breakfast "Look Rayus. I don't get what youre waiting for. A cute guy asked you out on a date last night and you were more focused on the fact that you didn't give him your number!"

Rayus scowled at me "Sir with all due respect stay out of my private affairs."
I felt irritated. "No way! You always tell me to stop leaving myself open to humiliation and shit. But you Rayus you don't even let anyone in! Like you always say you're waiting on the special one. But who the hell is that if you don't let anyone in!"

He sighed eventually growling at the floor" Maddeus! Stay out of things you don't understand! The truth is I found my special someone and they don't care about me. Not in the slightest. "

He walked off back out the room after that and it sort of... Annoyed me.

His special someone didn't feel that way about him?

Why? Did they like someone else? Did he like a married person? Did he just... Not confess and now they're taken?

Part of me wanted to see Rayus settle down with that other kid. I kinda saw him like a friend. So I wanted him to be happy.

I'm a romantic. When people get a boyfriend or girlfriend I always like to know how they're getting on because like my sweet little lamb Light... Some people go into relationships not even having a clue of what to expect. So I like to be the supportive friend who reminds him you need to love it up before you work out what you're doing with your life.

Clearly he appreciated my late wedding gift too. I saw the treasure box in his room, tucked away in the corner.
Lowkey I bet he bought a stash of dildos and kept them in there too haha.

Proud of the little man but anyway back on track. I had a party in a few months and...

Oh god.

A party to attend to which Carlen would be attending too this very evening.


Rayus was growling at me from the front seat as I fought with my lighter, cigarette pressed between my lips.

He growled " I hope you're not planning to make an ass of yourself."

Aha! A spark!
I took a slow drag feeling the fumes and letting out a tuft of smoke.

"Look I won't make an ass of myself... But only and only if...You promise me something."

He groaned glancing up at me in the rear view.
"Promise what Maddeus?"

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