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All it took was one call from Carlen and I found myself back at the courthouse.

A different Judge, a red eyed Carlen and Reed stood in the box told me there had been a shift in the environment today.

People walked around the room, words were exchanged and very fast it appeared things were exactly as I assumed.

The Earnways would be put in prison.
Caspar who had abused and murdered people in the past was only now having the beans spilled.

Something told me this was all Carlen's doing. He must have had a rod up his butt or something because he was being a total hard ass today and chasing every lead directly behind bars.

Ryte would be arrested but on a shorter term than his brother especially because he had a medical history as it just so turns out there were two different kinds of psychos in that house.

A born psycho and a made victim.

The boy that had been killed was a toy shared by Blue's wife and Ryte until of course she was through with him.

I felt horrible, overwhelmed with emotion as the verdict was made.

I was okay... But now it was a question of if I would ever be allowed to keep the business in the family...

A strong shove to my shoulder caught my attention.

Carlen had bumped into me with a grumble on his way out.
" Don't worry about it. They'll give you it. The house of Santos is yours."

I'd never burst into tears and sobs quicker.

People seemed confused by my outburst.
Our lawyers certainly did.

They didn't get it though.

This meant one thing for me.

" Tell me they didn't give it over to Carlen. While he's a good businessman, everytime I've ever entrusted our shares to him he quickly gives them away. Heh! If I didn't know any better his demonic senses tell him that our shares were filthy. So..."

My father glared up at me from his hospital bed.
" What're you conniving then?"

I uncrossed my arms slapping his shoulder.
" Cleaning up all the shit you made filthy for start you old kook! And Where's your dumb wife!? "

He snarled up at me with a judging glare "Ask me where my last wad of cash went, same answer..."

I scoffed, scratching my brow and turning away from the feeble old idiot.

He chuckled beside me "You know its funny. I always thought throwing down dollar bills brought the classy women to me. But there's a nurse here who's real smart with me. Real purty. Didn't even need a wad of cash to get her attention. She keeps comparing me to that old Clooney fella. "

I rolled my eyes" Poor woman's probably escaped a mental asylum and you think you actually look like Clooney. If you ask me paps you look like the evil goon out of Rocky and bull winkle"

He burst out into a hearty laugh, smiling away but I figured it was about time to give him some space again, getting up fast. I had to go down to my very first real meeting as the boss. Even now I'd hired two new personal guards as well as a whole new security squad.

The Whites came in handy when making sure I was safe.
Mr Russworth was being a hardass about me getting ownership of whatever was left of our businesses.
I was eternally grateful to them both of course.

Tyler had helped with supporting me on the financial side and Blue had supported me with the appropriate legal arguments.

Santos estates, Juniper and Quera were mine again.

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