Face Painting

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*Your POV*

"Wait! (y/n), stop-" Draco attempted to squirm away from you, but you were determined to keep him where he was.

You were currently sat on his lap in the Slytherin common room, one hand on the blond's shoulder, and the other clutching onto the face painting supplies you'd recently received in the mail from your parents.

The instant you'd laid your eyes on them you knew what you were going to with them, but Draco hadn't been too keen as you turned to him with a smirk on your lips and a worrying glint in your eyes.

"(Y/n), I don't want - Stop trying to - "

"Mr Malfoy, kindly be quiet." You said. "I'm going to paint your face, so hush up or I'll make it a lion."

He scowled at you and crossed his arms petulantly. "Whose idea was such a ridiculous custom, anyway?" He grumbled.

You grinned at his capitulation and opened the paint set. "Stop acting like it's a Muggle thing, Draco." You told him lightly. "Wizards do it, too. Look at everyone at the Quidditch World Cup. Or Neville, at a Quidditch match at school." You added, amused.

"That's not the same thing." He retorted. "That's two colours, and it's to show support for your team. It's not painting bloody cat whiskers and Merlin knows what else all over your face, is it?"

"No," You agreed, coating a brush in paint idly. "But this'll look cute. Just stay still, please?"

Draco looked at you hard, his grey eyes staring into your (e/c) ones. Finally, he sighed. "Whatever." He said. "But don't - and I mean it, (y/n), don't - paint a lion, and do not tell anybody I let you do this."

You nodded solemnly. "If anyone asks, I'll tell them I cast a full body-bind curse on you."

He rolled his eyes, but a smirk tugged at his lips. "Fine."

You simpered and leaned forward, resting your elbow against his shoulder as you moved the brush to his face without hesitation. You knew what you were going to paint.

~ ~ ~ ~

After a little more protesting on Draco's part and a lot of painting on yours, you were done.

You grinned to yourself and leaned back, paintbrush still in hand, and examined your work.

Draco looked at you dubiously. "Well? What did you do? How horrendous does it look?"

You shot him a glare without any real heat behind it. "It doesn't look horrendous at all, thank you very much. I mean, I will admit that your face kinda messes it up, but I can paint just fine."

"Ha." He said in a deadpan tone.

You snickered and used your free hand to turn his head left and then right, making sure you hadn't missed anything. When you were sure you hadn't, you put down the brush and closed the paint set.

"I'm officially done. You can look if you like." You told him, getting to your feet.

Draco jumped up and grabbed a hand mirror that somebody had left on the mantel, obviously anxious to see what you'd painted.

The look on his face when he glanced into the mirror had you stifling a giggle.

"What did you do to my face?!" He exclaimed, lifting his gaze from his reflection to stare at you in horror.

"To be honest I thought it was an improvement." You said with a shrug.

"I'm a - a -"

"You're a badger." You finished for him. "Yes, I know. A Hufflepuff badger, to be precise."

He dropped the mirror back onto the mantel and crossed his arms grumpily. "I look dumb. I told you not to paint any of the houses on my face!"

"No, you said no lions. You didn't say anything about badgers." You responded, smirking.

Draco scowled at you, but you didn't think he was genuinely angry, though it was hard to tell with all of that paint on his face.

You started giggling at how goofy the normally dignified boy looked, and he raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I'm glad my misery brings you amusement, you sadist." He quipped.

"I don't know why you're so miserable. You look cute." You said.

"I look like an idiot." He responded.

"No, you do not." You replied firmly. "Stop saying that."

He looked at you, unimpressed. "Then why are you laughing at me?"

You had to admit, that was a good point. As you were mulling over the exact witty remark you should respond with, the door to the Slytherin Common Room opened.

Blaise Zabini strolled in, freezing mid-stride when he saw Draco. You could see the former slowly about to dissolve into laughter, but before he could, the blond badger boy raised an elegant finger. "Don't you bloody dare." He warned Zabini.

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now