Christmas Trees

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Snow crunched underfoot as you strolled through the Christmas Tree Farm, Draco at your side. His cheeks were pink from the cold, and you were sure that somewhere underneath his many layers of coats, hats and scarves, he was frowning.

It was safe to say that the Slytherin Prince was not a fan of the Great Outdoors.

Nevertheless, when you had declared your plans for that day, he had agreed to accompany you with only a few colourful complaints.

So there you were, trekking through the snow one cold December day, examining trees and teasing your boyfriend for his whining.

More times now than you could count, Draco had picked a random tree, normally the one closest to himself, and told you that he thought it was 'the one'. You would have been more inclined to believe him if he hadn't followed up each time with a different variant of, "can we leave now?".

You had just been running out of ways to say no when you saw it.

Standing eight feet tall with thick green boughs, there was no doubt in your mind that this was the tree you should take home.

But the look that came to rest on Draco's face when you told him this suggested otherwise.

There were several beats of silence that followed his comprehension of your wide eyed stare, and then, simply, "no."

You let out a noise of indignation and rushed up to the tree, touching it fondly as you looked back over at the blond, offended. "No?!"

He nodded. "No."

You narrowed your eyes, staring hard into his silver ones, and then you folded your arms. "No." You said defiantly.

Draco opened his mouth and then closed it again, looking exasperated. "This is the motherfucking pumpkin all over again." He did not sound pleased by that. "Can't you pick a smaller one?"

You glanced back up at the tree beside you, and then to him once more. You shook your head sadly. "No." You pouted pitifully up at him, giving the male your best puppy dog eyes, and he let out a heavy sigh.

~ ~ ~ ~

"There." You stood back to examine the roof of the car - or rather the large tree strapped to the top of it - smiling proudly. "Easy peasy."

Your flushed and out of breath boyfriend did not seem to concur. In fact, he seemed rather close to committing genocide.

You nudged him lightly, but when the stonefaced expression didn't falter, you kissed his cheek. "Come on, Draco." You urged him. "Smile. It's Christmas."

"Do I have to?" He drawled, more sarcastically now that murderously.

You nodded, looking up at him cheerfully. "Mmhm."

"Fine." He spoke begrudgingly, but the soft smile he shot you was sincere, and it made you grin. Draco rolled his eyes, lifted a gloved hand to brush the hair off of your face. "I love you."

"I know."

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now