Pumpkin Hell

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I give to you the sequel to 'Pumpkins'.

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With seeds in your hair, orange goo on your shirt, and a very irritated boyfriend glaring at you over the top of a giant squash, it was safe to say you were in some kind of twisted pumpkin hell.

Bowls decorated the long wooden table you sat at, most filled and or overflowing with gobs of sticky pumpkin flesh, string, and seeds. A carving knife sat dangerously close to the seemingly homicidal Slytherin Prince. And just to improve matters, you weren't anywhere close to the end. You had been scooping and dumping and scraping with a spoon and scooping all over again for much too long now, and yet, you were only halfway through.

The worst part of the whole ordeal was the smile plastered on your face.

Were you drowning in pumpkin? Yes. Were you wishing for death? Absolutely. Were you about to let Draco Malfoy be right? Fuck no.

You could just see the smug bastard smirking and preening as he rubbed your failure into your face. You could hear the taunting remarks, the jabs that would not stop until he'd deemed the joke dead. And fudge it all if you were going to let him do that to Halloween. You would defeat this pumpkin, and you would do it with a mother fucking smile on your face.

With newfound determination, you adjusted your position and reached for the spoon - only to realize Draco was no longer seated before you.

You trusted him. Of course you did. But given his current mood, you did go into cardiac arrest when you noticed that he was no longer in sight. An angry Draco was like a spider - seeing it was one thing, but not being able to see it was much worse.

"Draco?" You called, not at all nervously, of course, and glanced over your shoulder. The knife had been on the table still, right? You couldn't remember now.

He wasn't behind you, either. Wide eyed, you started to turn back to your pumpkin. Perhaps he stepped out for a bit of air.


The word was whispered softly, in a tone not unlike a purr, and you jumped out of your skin with a high pitched and totally dignified squeal. When you heard laughter and realized you were not the one in immediate danger, you whipped around to glare at the blond in question.

"What the fuck?!" You demanded, smacking his shoulder with the pumpkin spoon.

Draco glanced up at you, his harsh silver eyes softened with amusement, and smirked. "A little jumpy, (y/l/n)?"

You narrowed your eyes. "I said, what. The. Fuck?" Each word was punctuated by a jabbing of the spoon.

Your boyfriend shot you a teasing and petulant puppy dog face as he said, "You made me tip pumpkins and hollow out that fucking thing. Aren't I allowed to have a little fun?"

"No." Quite honestly, if that's what 'fun' consisted of in his world, you'd rather he wasn't. You thumped down the spoon and folded your arms, giving him an unhappy stare. "Here I am, trying to do something nice and make Halloween special, and you have to go and be a dick."

Draco searched your face for a few moments, and when you didn't let up, he sighed. "Fine. Give it to me." He held his hand out for the spoon, and you passed it to him with a pout. "Get out of the way." He said almost gently, before pushing onto the table beside you. Draco examined the mess of orang squash before letting out a soft huff. "I fucking hate you."

Nonetheless, he rolled up his precious rich boy sleeves and began to scoop out the pumpkin.

You would have smirked in triumph, but honestly you were just so relieved that you climbed down and melted into a chair. No more scooping and dumping and scraping with a spoon and then scooping again. Thank god.

You rested your head in your hands and glanced up at the handsome Slytherin, smiling slightly despite yourself. He was a jerk, that went without saying, but he was your jerk, and you loved him. Especially when he was gutting the mainspring of pumpkin hell in your place.

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now