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*Your POV*

You took a sip of the potion Neville nervously passed you, but as your head began to swim you realized that might not have been the best idea. It was supposed to be Draught of Peace, and you'd been paired up, one student brewing the potion and the other testing it. You'd decided that Neville should do it, since he needed more practice than you did.

Suddenly it was difficult for you to stay upright. You groaned and grabbed your head, your eyes beginning to loose focus.

Just as everything went black, you heard Draco snarl, "What the hell did you do to (her/him), Longbottom?"

And then you unceremoniously slipped out of your chair, loosing consciousness.

~ ~ ~ ~

You blinked groggily and started to sit up, but you felt a hand press you back down gently.

"Not too fast," A familiar voice said softly. "You don't want to make yourself sick."

You looked up to see Draco watching you, a look of concern plastered across his pale face.

"What happened?" You asked, confused.

"Longbottom fucked up is what happened. How hard is Draught of Peace, honestly? That imbecile still managed to fuck it up, though. Are you okay? I wanted to bring you back to the dorms, but Pomfrey wouldn't let me. Do you want to go now? There's nothing wrong with you, she said so herself. I'm sure if you asked her she'd-"

"Draco." You broke in, laughing softly. He shut up instantly, his cheeks tinging pink.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

You shook your head and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "It's okay. And yeah, going to the dorms would certainly be preferable."

You grinned at Draco, and he smiled tentatively back. A genuine smile. not a smirk. It made your grin grow, and you even went as far as to throw your arms around him.

He hugged you back, and you bit your lip at his uncharacteristic response.

"Draco? Are you okay?" You asked softly. He was being nicer and more affectionate than usual. You knew Draco cared about you, but normally he was too afraid to show it.

He squeezed you before letting go. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" You asked, searching his eyes.

"Yeah." He repeated.

"Draco." You said firmly.

"Iwasworriedaboutyou." He mumbled.

You smirked. "What's that?"

"I was worried about you." He said, looking down.

You felt affection well up inside of you and let your smirk fade, replaced by a smile. You touched his cheek again. "I'm okay." You told him gently.

He leaned into your hand. "Don't drink anything Longbottom gives you again." He said.

"Yeah, I was thinking that." You snorted.

"I'll go talk to Madam Pomfrey." Draco said, after a moment or two of comfortable silence.

"Okay." You took your hand away. "Thank you."

He got up and walked off, and you watched him retreat.

~ ~ ~ ~

After Madam Pomfrey deemed you healthy, she discharged you and went to check on the other patients.

You struggled to your feet and stumbled. Great start.

Draco caught your arm. "Are you okay?" He asked in concern. "Do you want me to get Pomfrey again?"

"No, no. I'm fine." You said. "It's just my head. Give me a hand, yeah?"

He nodded and wrapped an arm securely around your waist.

The two of you walked slowly back to the dungeons, luckily not bumping into anybody or seeing the Golden Trio.

Once you reached the Common Room, you dropped down onto the couch and patted the cushion beside you.

"Sit with me?" You asked.

Draco gave you a smile and sat down, and you curled up against him with a happy sigh.

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now