Tinsel Troubles

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It was on a late December night that you and Draco could be found within your shared flat, listening to Christmas music and wearing the ugliest jumpers you could find as you adorned your tree with lights and tinsel.

It was your first Christmas living together, and in honour, you had gone all out.

Lights wound around doorframes and windows, across countertops and along cabinets, and tinsel spruced up various edges, while baubles hung from chandeliers.

And now, to top it all off, you had the most beautiful Christmas tree you could find, nestled in the corner of your living room and in perfect view of the entryway. You intended to cover it the best you possibly could with lights, lametta, and ornaments, and while your Santa's Grotto esque theme was not exactly Draco's normal style, he had gone along rather willingly to your plans, and you couldn't help but suspect that he too enjoyed it.

Soft laughter escaped the young man in question when you fell unexpectedly behind the tree, after apparently having leant too far with the tinsel, and you arose a sparkly frowning mess, a smile barely hidden on your face as you dove at your boyfriend.

"Hey!" You exclaimed indignantly. "Don't laugh at me!"
Draco gave you a smirk as he reached across to play with your new tinsel hair accessory. "Why not?" He asked, plucking out a piece and lifting an eyebrow at you. "Will you attack me with strings of popcorn?"

You folded your arms as you lifted your chin, shooting him a look of defiance. "I might." You informed him.

He slid his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, that teasing look still etched on his face. "Well, in that case, I deeply apologize." He quipped. "However can I make it up to you?"

You tilted your head, examining the apologetic but clearly mocking expression the Slytherin wore as you decided upon his retribution. He was so obviously giving you an opportunity that you knew better than to waste, so you had to make the due diligence as amusing as you could.

It was with a look of angelic innocence that you came upon your idea, and you selected a long and sparkly piece of tinsel before holding it out to him.

"Wear this." You instructed.

Draco's stare was one of disbelief as he eyed the object. "You must be joking." He said.

"Not even a little." You responded, pushing the tinsel towards him once more.

He folded his arms. "I'm already wearing the fucking jumper." He said. "Can't I just call you the true and supreme ruler of everything?"

You shook your head. "You used that one yesterday." You reminded him. "Today, you must don the tinsel. Wear it proudly, young squire."

Draco crinkled his nose at your words, taking the tinsel with a petulant pout. "You make one bloody knight joke and I'll leave you." He warned.

You nodded quickly, giving him a wide eyed look of innocence. "I would never." You promised.

He didn't seem too eager to believe you as he rested the tinsel across his shoulders, scowling at the sparkly mess it left on his jumper. "There." He said, shooting you a look. "Happy now?"

You took an end in your hand and pulled it up, draping it across his white blond hair like a headscarf, smiling brightly. "Very."

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