Picking Sides

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You had stood off to the side quietly as Draco and the Golden Trio argued again, watching the venomous exchange closely but not chipping in. There were multiple reasons for this, the main two being that you were getting tired of the endless bad blood between them, and that you liked both Draco and Harry, Ron and Hermione, didn't much want to have to side against either of them.

Normally their squabbles ended with hexing, theatrical exits or professors, but this time was different. This time, they turned to you.

"Who do you pick?" Harry asked, making me frown.
"Excuse me?" You said, eyebrows raising.

"Who do you pick? Us, or Malfoy?" He repeated, his voice sharp.

You glanced at Draco, startled, but he just crossed his arms. "Go on, then." He said. "Me or Potter?"

You looked back at the Golden trio, taking in all of their faces. This was not okay with you, but screw it, you knew who you were going to choose. Apparently, Harry thought he knew as well; you could tell by his expression.

You stepped towards Draco with a sad look, and though his face remained fixed in his usual smug sneer, you saw in his eyes as they met yours that he was worried.

You touched his shoulder, perhaps as if saying good bye, which was apparently how the others all took it, for Harry smirked and Draco's smug look faltered slightly.

But the Golden Boy's jaw dropped when you used your grip on the blond to start leading him off. "Come on then, Draco ," You said softly, starting for the door.

"You're choosing him?!" Harry exclaimed. "Really? That slimy git over us?"

You stopped in your tracks, spinning around to face him. "That is enough. This was your doing, so don't you pretend for even a second that it wasn't. I wouldn't have had to choose if you had just grown up, for Merlins sake! But I have chosen. I pick Draco over you. Now, and forever. So, have a good day. And don't you dare say another word about him or I will hex you into oblivion, do you understand, Potter?"

He flinched at your words and looked away, and you took this as a triumph on your part and smirked, whipping back around
You and Draco stalked out of the hall, heading down through the cool and damp castle, towards the Slytherin Dorms.

You had noticed the fleeting glances of the grey eyed boy beside you, but it was not until you were beyond the Golden Trio's sight that you paused.

Catching his gaze, and you lifted an eyebrows in inquiry. "Yes?"

"You chose me? Over the Golden Trio?" He asked, his voice turning venomous as he spoke the last two words.

"No," You drawled, folding your arms. "This was all a rouse to hurt you." You then rolled your eyes and nudged him lightly. "Of course I chose you, you bloody idiot."

The ghost of a genuine smile traced his lips, and he looked away again. Though he didn't reply, the look on his face spoke loud enough. You smiled softly to yourself in return, and then you returned to walking in silence.

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now