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*Your POV*

It was the day before Halloween, and you were making your way to Hagrid's hut, intent upon finding the ultimate pumpkin. There was a smile on your face as you strolled through the grounds, and even if you wanted to, you couldn't make it go away. It was just such a perfect October day; the air was crisp, the leaves were orange as they spiralled from the trees, and your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, was beside you.

He was grumbling about the cold as he wound and rewound his green and silver scarf, trying his best to cover as much of his pink tinged face as possible, and he'd only just stopped whining about doing things 'the muggle way', but he was here, and that was more than enough for you.

You reached the pumpkin patch and looked across to Draco, who was scowling.

"They're enormous." He said, folding his arms. "Remind me why we're doing this again?"

"Because it's fun." You chirped, moving forward to inspect the large orange fruits.

"Fun." He repeated slowly. "Right, of course. Because there's nothing more fun than freezing half to death in a pumpkin patch, is there?"

"Not in October there's not." You said, ignoring the sarcasm practically dripping from his voice as you latched onto a pumpkin and began to push, attempting to roll it over to check the hidden side.

Draco strolled closer, watching with amusement as you struggled. "What are you doing?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Is this some strange muggle custom? Commercing the pumpkin, perhaps? You should know that while I may have trekked down here to hand pick a pumpkin like a bloody squib, I draw the line at that."

You scowled playfully and stuck your tongue out at him. "I'm trying to turn it over to see what the other side is like."

"Why don't you just use magic?" He inquired, still looking amused.

You scrambled around to the opposite side and began to pull instead. "Because I want to do it this way. Just help me, would you?"

Draco made a face of displeasure but stalked over anyway. "You owe me, (y/l/n)."

"Yeah, yeah. Now hush up and push, Malfoy." You retorted.

Your boyfriend eyed the pumpkin with a scowl as he delicately removed his expensive gloves one finger at a time. Once they were off, he slid them into his pocket and stepped closer. He rested his pale hands on the pumpkin, leaning his weight against it, and began to push.

You in turn started to pull, and with an almighty squelch, the pumpkin rolled over in the wet mud. The sudden backwards motion sent you flying, and you landed several feet away with a crash and a yelp.

You could hear Draco laughing his arse off a little ways away, and you felt your cheeks begin to heat. Nevertheless, a plan had already begun to form in your mind, and you smirked to yourself.

"Draco," you called sweetly. "Do you think you could come and help me up?"

He sobered up (for the most part), and approached warily. "I'm not sure." He mused. "You're... A little muddy."

That was an understatement and a half, and you knew it. You could feel the wet mud seeping through your clothes.

"Please?" You begged him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.

He muttered something unintelligible and extending his hand. "You're such a Hufflepuff." He scoffed.

You took a firm hold of his hand and made to get up before tugging swiftly, pulling Draco into the mud with you.

The normally dignified blonde squealed as he got a face full of sludge, and you roared with laughter.

"God, Draco! You're such a princess!" You clutched at your stomach, your amusement only fuelled by the way he was slipping and sliding as he struggled to stand up.

Your boyfriend lobbed a handful of mud at you. "This jacket was very expensive." He informed me. "My father will be hearing about this."

You threw mud right back. "Are you sure you want him to?"

Draco ducked and retaliated. "Perhaps not."

From there, the conversation ended as a mud fight began. The air became filled with shrieks (mainly from the Slytherin Prince), laughter, and the unpleasant sound of wet mud splattering every time it hit its target.

~ ~ ~ ~

*No POV*

Midway down the hill that led to Hagrid's hut was a certain trio, frozen in surprise at the sight before them.

"Bloody hell! Is that Malfoy?" The redhead exclaimed.

"What's he doing?" The bespectacled boy asked with a frown, forever suspicious of the Slytherin.

"I - I think he's playing in the mud." The girl said.

All three looked harder, their eyes narrowing as they squinted incredulously at what they saw.

Draco Malfoy was rolling around in wet mud, ducking and throwing handfuls of the aforementioned at the (y/h/c) haired (girl/boy/person) beside him. They recognized (her/him/them) to be (y/f/n) (y/l/n), the blonde male's (girlfriend/boyfriend/partner).

~ ~ ~ ~

*Your POV*

Some time later, you and Draco were stood, covered head to toe in rapidly drying mud, and staring at the very large pumpkin you'd chosen.

Draco had his arms crossed and his bottom lip between his teeth, and you were fiddling with your thumbs.

"Well," you started, after several beats of silence. "Maybe we can use magic for this part."

Draco exhaled with relief. "Oh, thank Merlin." He said, reaching for his wand.

You took out your own wand, joined your boyfriend in murmuring the incantation, and then set off for the castle, cold and rather tired, but pleased with how the afternoon had gone.

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