Things I Like

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*Your POV*

It was about seven o'clock in the evening, and the Great Hall was alive with animated chatter. You were sat, surrounded not only by this noise, but also by the Golden Trio, as you sipped pumpkin juice and observed your fellow students with a smile. To your left was your brother, Ron Weasley, and someway across the room, sat with poise at the Slytherin table, was your best friend, Draco Malfoy.

The Slytherin Prince had been exchanging conversation with his pug faced shadow (also known as Pansy Parkinson) and picking at his food with disinterest until he felt your eyes on him. He glanced up, and though his expression never changed, a small smirk found its way onto his pale pink lips, making you grin. He held your gaze steadily for a few moments before his own slid to Ron, and then a look of disgust crossed his face briefly, and he returned to talking to Pug-face. You rolled your eyes at his behavior, amused until you hazarded a glance at your brother, and found him scowling at you. Your smile faltered, and you watched him turn away to stab at his potatoes before allowing yourself to follow suit, though not without sighing softly.

You had known Draco since first year, and despite his acerbic and deprecating attitude, he had always been there for you. He would smirk and snicker and tease you relentlessly, but he was always there, one shoulder resting against the cold stone wall, as he waited for you before and after class, or perhaps with a hand on his wand, ready to hex the first person who so much as looked at you the wrong way. Despite the good attributes that the platinum blond possessed, Ron loathed him, and was disgusted by your friendship. He had been since day one, and if you were honest, you didn't think he'd ever come around, no matter how much you tried to sway him.

The fact that your best friend and your brother had such a toxic relationship was something that distraught you, especially so when you permitted yourself to dwell on the knowledge that you had romantic feelings for the former, but you knew that there was nothing you could do about it. The only thing stronger than Ron's appetite was his stubbornness, so if he decided that he didn't like somebody, that was it. Doors that closed rarely ever reopened with him.

~ ~ ~ ~

Ron's temper didn't let up as the minutes ticked by, and you found yourself filled with relief when dinner came to an end, so eager were you to escape his seemingly never-ending wrath. As you rose to follow the steadily dispersing students, however, it became apparent that he wasn't going to be so easily brushed off.

Once you had left the Great Hall, he gripped your arm and tugged you off down the corridor, away from the other Gryffindors, and towards a doorway you hadn't passed through before. You soon found the entryway to be the door to a small and empty room, and as it shut behind you and your brother, you pulled yourself free and turned to look at him, unimpressed by his performance thus far.
"What's going on?" You demanded.

"That's what I should ask you." He responded, his anger displaying itself vividly in his voice. "You're always sharing these gross looks and smiles with Malfoy... When are you going to realize he's a git?"

"He's my friend, Ron. You have to get used to that." You said sharply, refusing to be gentle with him on this topic any longer.

"What type of friend can Malfoy possibly be?" He questioned you. "The only thing he's concerned about is getting what he wants."
"What type of friend are you?" You shot back. "Tell me, are you talking to Hermione this week or not? It's impossible to keep up."

Ron shot you a furious look, though his cheeks had gone undeniably pink at the truth behind your words. "Don't make this about me." He snapped. "This is about you, and the way you refuse to see how much of a slimy git he really is. You know, it wouldn't even be so bad if you didn't insist on parading it around. Just because you like hanging out with Death Eaters doesn't mean the whole school has to know about it."

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