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   It was a Saturday night, and you were curled up in the Slytherin common room, warmed by the flickering flames set in the dark stone hearth. In your hands was The Defensive Magical Theory, a book you had to read for Defense Against The Dark Arts, but as the hours slipped away, your focus had dwindled, and you now found yourself hoping for a distraction from your studies.

As if by magic, distraction soon wandered into the common room in the form of Draco Malfoy - or rather, a certain step he appeared to have taken in readying himself that morning.

It wasn't something you noticed at first.

No, as he sauntered into your view, platinum hair combed to perfection and not a speck of dirt to be seen on his robes, everything seemed to be as usual.

But then he reached down, pushing your book shut with a loud snap that echoed through the near empty room, and you saw it.

As you tried - and you did do your best - to suppress your laughter, you barely even heard his sharp words, telling you to stop gaping at the book like a fool (you were fairly certain their was a Hermione Granger themed insult in there, too).

He didn't notice this until he took a seat on the settee opposite yourself. Then, he frowned, looked displeased. "What?"

You grinned at him stupidly, waiting for him to take the hint, but he just lifted his eyebrows and stared back at you. When you were unable to take it any longer, you said, "nail polish, Draco?" Your tone came out half amused, half disbelieving, which you thought well described your current emotions.

Instantly his expression turned defensive as he realized he was trapped. He couldn't deny it. There was no room for contradiction in this situation, where the pale boy's finger nails were painted boldly in black. This was his own doing.

"...Shut up."

You scoffed. "Good one." You remarked. "Truly, I'm hurt."

The middle finger you got in response only served to fuel your amusement, and you soon found yourself doubled over in laughter while the Slytherin Prince fumed in silence, arms crossed and brows drawn.

Your best friend most decidedly did not look impressed, but hey - at least you weren't gaping like a fool anymore.

Distractions were a blessing indeed.

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