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*Draco's POV*

Midday found Draco wandering around the edge of the Black Lake, absent of his usual body guards, as they were currently attending lunch. As he perambulated, he let his mind drift back in time to that morning, when he and Crabbe and Goyle had picked on the Mudblood.

She'd reacted differently this time. Normally she would hold her head up, give them her best disdainful glare, and then storm off. But this time, she'd hung her head, hugged her stupid muggle book closer to her chest, and then rushed off with tears in her eyes. Draco had called after her, yelling out taunts about how he'd finally broken the Mudblood, and Crabbe and Goyle had guffawed like the pair of numbskulls that they were. Draco himself had allowed a short, harsh laugh to emanate from his lips, and then stalked back to the castle, finding no sufficient entertainment in the courtyard anymore.

He'd thought nothing of the encounter at the time, but now he was vaguely intrigued. He'd made (y/n) - no, the Mudblood cry. Did that bother him? Draco frowned and stopped walking. No. Surely not. That would be ridiculous. His intention was to upset her, right? Why should it trouble him whatsoever if she was distressed by the taunts, when that was his intention? He was a Malfoy. He liked to get his own way. But she'd looked so sad. He'd never imagined that he could actually make her cry. She'd always seemed so strong. He'd never thought that his words would even reach her, let alone cause her to get upset. Reminding himself once again that it didn't make him feel guilty - not even a little bit - he set off again.

He didn't get much further before he was halted once more, though this time by a noise. It sounded like a shaky sob, and it came from behind the far side of near beech tree. Softening his footsteps, he approached slowly, curious as to who else had not only missed lunch, but was now crying by the lake.

As he rounded the tree, he found the distraught student. It was a girl, sixth year like him, by the looks of it. She had her knees pulled up to her chest and her face buried in her hands, but he instantly recognized the (h/c) hair pooling around her trembling shoulders. It was (y/n).

Draco was hit with uncertainty. What should he do? He ached with the foreign and bemusing urge to rush forward and comfort her, but both his pride and sensibilities stopped him from doing so.

Instead, he stayed where he was and spoke from there. "Oh look, it's the Mudblood." He sneered. "Fancy seeing you here."

She lifted her head and looked at him with tear filled (e/c) eyes. "What do you want, Malfoy?" She'd tried for spite, but it just came out pitiful.

"What I wanted was to go for a peaceful walk, but it looks like that won't happen now, what with you wailing like a banshee." He shot back.

"Just shove off." She said quietly, pulling her legs closer.

"No, I don't think I will." He replied idly.

She scowled at him rested her chin on her knees, not bothering to respond.

"Why are you crying, anyway?" He asked brazenly.

(Y/n) scoffed. "Like you care."

Draco sauntered over to kneel in front of her. "Say I do," He said, his voice softer now. "Would you tell me then?"

"Maybe, but you don't." She said. "You make that perfectly clear."

"But what if I did? What if I had a change of heart?" He insisted.

This time she sneered. "That would imply that you had a heart, Malfoy."

He pressed his lips into a thin line and leant back to sit on his heels. After a moment or two of silence, he said, "Please?"

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