All I Want For Christmas

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You woke up Christmas morning to a cold bed. The space beside you where Draco would normally be laid, white blond hair tousled and sharp features softened by sleep, was empty. The sheets had been straightened up, the pillows rearranged, making it seem almost as if he'd never been there.

Frowning softly in confusion, you pushed back the quilt, shivering as the icy air bit at your exposed skin, and then you padded to the door.

The house beyond your bedroom was silent as you crossed slowly to the stairs, folding your arms against your body in an attempt to foster heat.

The kitchen was empty, and so was the office. Where was he?

"Draco?" You called out as you walked lastly into the living room.

The sight that met you had you covering your mouth, eyes widening slightly as you gasped.

Draco was by the tree, dressed up in that Slytherin green jumper of his you loved, and smiling softly at you. He had moved down onto one knee, raising the ring box in his hands, and as you approached him slowly, he began to speak.

"(Y/f/n) (y/l/n), you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and words could never describe how much I love you." His silver eyes were holding yours, gaze deep and affectionate. "During all the things that I've been through, you've been right there with me, even when I didn't deserve it, and if you give me the chance, I will spend my entire life doing the same for you. All I want for Christmas is you, (y/n). That's all I've ever need. So, (y/full/n), will you marry me?"

You were blinking back tears now as you nodded, struggling to find your voice.

"Yes, Draco." You said, voice caught with emotion and full of affection. "Of course I will."

He slid the emerald embezzled silver ring onto your finger and then rose to his feet, and you threw yourself into his arms, hugging him close.

"I love you so much." You told him passionately.

Draco buried his face in your neck, pulling you as tight to him as he could. "I love you too." He murmured. "Thank you for giving me the chances I didn't deserve."
"They were the best decision I ever made." You told him, fingers trailing through his hair. "Well, maybe the second best."

He squeezed you softly, affectionately, but there were no more words you could say that could possibly explain how you two felt.

So he just kissed you slowly and deeply, intimate on a level that made your heart race, until you were forced to surface for air.
"Merry Christmas."

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now