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*Your POV*

Draco stormed into the Slytherin Common Room, anger sharpening his features, and you knew Potter had done something again.

The ignorant teen had probably called him a slimy git, or tried to hex him. It was easy for the Golden Trio to judge Draco, and that annoyed you immensely. You liked them just fine, but your loyalties laid with the blond Slytherin.

Everyone had rushed out as he stalked in, fearing his anger, except for Pansy, who hung around hoping to hear some gossip about Harry.

You got up from the sofa and caught Draco's arm before he could go up to his room. He glared at you in aggravation, his grey eyes steely with sheer frustration. You could see how everyone was scared of the look gracing his face, but you knew how much he was crumbling inside.

You wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly. Stupid Parkinson glared at you, since she was convinced she and Draco were together, but you ignored her.

Draco stayed rigid in your arms for a few more moments, but you were insistent, and you soon felt him slowly relax. It was subtle, so slight it barely happened, but you felt it.

You grinned and hugged him tighter, burying your face in his neck and breathing in his now familiar scent.

He let out a soft sigh, and you squeezed him before stepping back. You didn't ask him if he was okay; that was stupid. Stupid questions annoyed Draco.

"Do you want to start on our essays for Transfiguration?" You asked instead.

You had Draco figured out by now. You knew that all he really needed was the company of a good, loyal friend, and to be treated with patience. He scared everyone else off, though (except for Pansy Parkinson, but that was really more of an obsession than an act of loyalty).

"Fine." He said, still sounding annoyed.

You gathered up your books quickly. "Do you wanna stay here? Cos I was thinking maybe head down to the lake? Would that be okay?" You asked gently.

His face softened slightly. "Why are you so nice to me?" He questioned quietly, glancing down at his shoes. "Nobody else is."

You cupped his cheek. "Well, they should be. They're missing out big time."

He frowned. "Are they though?"

You sighed and chastely kissed his cheek. "Yes." You said tenderly. Then you stepped away and nudged his shoulder. "Come on," You urged him, heading for the door. "Let's go study."

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now