In The Darkness

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You sat alone in the Slytherin Common Room, your head resting against cool glass as you listened to the lake. It was a soft, slow, and melodic sound, falling against your ears with the eeriness of something otherworldly, and yet, it captivated you.

The rush of waves caused by creatures unknown seemed almost to escape the confines of wall and window to wash through you, lulling you into a dreamlike trance and soothing the raw ache of melancholia that hung heavy in your chest.

Your train of thought had long ago left the tracks, now wandering aimlessly through memories of lighter days. Staring into nothingness, it was seemingly impossible to remember what happiness had felt like, but as you recalled rainy evenings curled up before a raging fire as your family chattered somewhere beyond your book, you could almost catch a glimpse of it's form.

You let out a soft sigh and turned your head away from the glass, letting it tip back instead against the cold stone frame. Those days were gone. They'd slipped like sand through your fingers, filling up the hourglass, and leaving you stranded in this place, where the walls were breaking and the floor was giving way.

Accidents and incidents and a handful too many fights separated you from the times you daydreamed of, and no amount of reminiscing would turn back the clocks.

Opening your eyes, you stared out into a world you couldn't see - not by sight, at least. Your other, more heightened senses provided the means by which you could rather easily paint a picture of the events before you, and besides, as you had told Draco once in the past - when one could no longer see the ugliness in everyday, it was easier to imagine the beauty hiding within it.

Turning pain into poetry was the romanticization of something unsightly, a practice you disapproved of, but you couldn't stop the words from flowing like a saccharine river. Speaking to the sharp witted Slytherin Prince opened a floodgate somewhere within yourself that sent the observations from your mind out of your mouth, and you were unsure of how to stop them.

Before your thoughts could stray any further, you heard the tired moan of an old dungeon door opening, stealing you away from days gone by. The snap of dress shoe heels against cold stone told you that you were now in the company of the devil you spoke of.

Draco Malfoy approached you softly and steadily, silence on his lips, and you smiled. You lived swamped in darkness, but he nearly always managed to light a spark in the inky depths.

You were drowning in a sea of tar that sapped your energy as you fought fruitlessly against a tide that would surely drag you under anyway, and he was a raft. A temporary shelter from a storm that would never end.

You were among the few that were truly alone in every sense of the word, but only until Draco sat down beside you and pulled you into his arms. Then you were home.

You may have been blind, but as you turned to face him, your hands softly and slowly making their way up his slim but strong arms, over his thin shoulders, and across his jawline, tenderly tracing those sharp features that you loved so much, you could see Draco as well as if the barriers of incapacity were as broken down as you were.

"You alright, (y/l/n)?" You could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

Despite the teasing tone lacing his words, you leaned up to kiss him deeply.

"I am now."

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now