In Which The Lights Are Being Dicks

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You sat amongst the many strings of glowing lights, frowning at the tangled abomination in dismay. How the inanimate objects had managed to twist themselves into such chaos while resting in a tote for a year was beyond you - much like why exactly you were still amongst this mess.

You folded your arms in annoyance as you glanced toward the door. "Draco!" You cried.

The blond surfaced nearly immediately, a look of mild concern on his face as he entered the room. "What happened?!"

You pouted up at him. "The lights are being dicks." You told him.

A greatly unimpressed look came onto his face. "That's it?" He said, words sharp. "I thought there was something was wrong!"

You blinked up at him. "There is." You responded, gesturing to the mess on the floor. "The lights are dicks."

"Oh my god." Draco, you noted, sounded a tad exasperated. "Just get up."

You did has he said rather willingly, and then watched as he took your place, kneeling on the ground as he reached for the lights.

"I have things to do." He complained. "You know, if you spent less time cussing out insentient objects and just a little more time actually making them do what they're supposed to, you might find they're not as big a dick as you think they are."

You gave him a pitiful look. "Maybe." You conceded.

He shot you a narrow eyed glare, and when he saw your puppy dog eyes, he let out a soft huff, though his temper seemed to have faltered.

"Come here," he ordered lightly.

When you moved closer to him he reached up, sliding a hand into your hair, and then he pulled you down to his mouth.

He kissed you deeply, and when you separated, he gave you one last look, fondly now, and returned his attention to the lights. "You're lucky I love you, you twat."

You dropped down onto the floor beside him, leaning softly into his side as you rested your head on his shoulder, watching his slender hands move quickly, untangling the lights with ease.
"I know I am." You said softly.

Draco squeezed your leg, glancing at you affectionately, and though he said nothing, you knew exactly what he was thinking.

After all, you were thinking it, too.

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now