1. This Is Berk

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A chilly fog lingers over the azure blue ocean like a heavy blanket as a small island of civilization begins to peak through the thick cloud. There were two shaded stone statues of ancient Vikings standing amongst the crashing waves with fire dancing inside of their open jaws that illuminated the sailing port out of the dark. The land was covered in flourishing greenery that livestock freely fed off of, peaks that seemed to be reaching up towards the halls of Valhalla, and mountainous ledges with astonishing views of the sea. Everything looked peaceful as could be, but silence can be deceiving, and it only lasted for so long amidst places such as this one.

Dozens of strong-built Vikings were running throughout the village land with weapons held tightly in their hands as their battle cries ring throughout the light breeze that swept over the cold weathered island. Every one of them was out fighting the dragons that had come to raid their homeland of its food sources, and not a single person was left out of the action. . .except for one: a notably slender teenage boy known by the name of Hiccup Haddock III.

The dark wood-paneled door to a small-sized house opens, revealing a young teenage boy to be standing on the opposite side of it, only for him to be brought face to face with a rather large and scaly red dragon. He wastes no time before he slams the door closed and puts his back to the lumber, right as the dragon unleashes its extreme flames, and sets the door ablaze. The thin boy breathes heavily as he listens for the sound of the dragon's wings as a single that it had flown off before he reopens the door and rushes out of the small building to join the chaos.

Hiccup proceeds through the pathways of the village without a word spoken to anyone, ignoring every single yell that was pointed towards him, waving off all the instructions for him to get back inside for his own protection, and getting away from all of the people he continuously bumps into as he runs around the disorder. It wasn't very long until he almost finds himself running right in front of the firing range of an especially dangerous dragon ─ where he surely would have been barbecued like a drumstick ─ but he is swiftly hauled out of the way by a heavily muscled man with long ginger hair and a matching beard.

"Hiccup?! What is he doing out aga--? What are you doing out?" Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe, shouts in annoyance at the boy within his hold. "Get inside!" he orders, urging him forward as he speaks.

Hiccup doesn't say a word back to the man that was now behind him as he obeys and races off once again, finding himself at the open front doors of the village blacksmith within a few minutes, and quickly rushing inside the building where he finds an older man standing in front of a welding station as he straightens a curved sword back into the correct shape for combat.

"Ah!" Gobber, the village blacksmith, emits as he spots Hiccup. "Nice of you to join the party. I thought you'd been carried off!" he speaks half-humorously while continuing with his work.

"What, who me?" Hiccup asks with a tone of pretended shock as he moves to tie a leather smock over his forest green tunic and brown fur vest. "Nah, come on! I'm way too muscular for their taste. They wouldn't know what to do with all. . .this," he facetiously smirks, lifting his arm in an attempt to show off his imaginary developed muscles.

"Well, they need toothpicks, don't they?" Gobber asks with a teasing grin from where he operates.

Hiccup gives his words no such acknowledgment as he moves towards a wooden counter and opens the window shutters, instantly receiving a pile of weapons that require immediate mending as a few men stand outside; none of them capable of patiently waiting as the young teenage boy takes their swords and axes into his hold. He drops them into the fire station before he loops his arm around the handle of the bellow, struggling to push it down, but eventually getting to budge and expel the needed air to bring the fire back to life and begin to heat the metal weapons.

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