Chapter 7

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Freya's POV.

"No, it totally makes sense. It's like a giant beehive. They're the workers, and that's their queen. It controls them," Astrid says as we land back in the cove and she jumps off Toothless. "Let's find your Dad," She says to Hiccup.
"No, no! Not yet," HIccup tells her. "They'll... kill Toothless and Ocean," He states.
"Astrid, we have to think this through carefully," I state.
"We just discovered the Dragons' Nest. The thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here. And you both want to keep it a secret?" Astrid asks in shock. "To protect your pet dragons?! Are you serious?!" She shouts at us.

"Yes," Hiccup says seriously. Astrid's expression turns to one of shock, but she nods.
"Okay. Then what do we do?" She asks him, he shakes his head as he turns away from her.
"Just give me until tomorrow. I'll figure something out," He states.
"Okay," Astrid says with a small nod. "I'm gonna head home," She tells us, I look over to her and nod as she walks away from us. I turn to Hiccup and punch his arm.
"Ow!" He shouts in pain.

"That's for not making sure she wasn't following you!" I whisper-shout to him.
"Oh, do you do that too?" He asks me as he rubs his arm.
"Yes, she picked it up from me," I state as I cross my arms.
"Great," He says in annoyance. I sigh as I look over to him again, hoping what I'm about to do isn't a mistake. I walk closer to him and lean forward, quickly kissing his cheek.
"That's for...everything else," I tell him, a nervous smile on my face as I quickly turn around and start to walk back home.

The Next Day.

"Well, I can show my face in public again!" Stoick says, making everyone laugh. "If someone had told me that in just a few short weeks, Hiccup would go from being, well...Hiccup, to placing first in Dragon Training...Well, I would've tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad!" He shouts, his voice echoing down to the training ring, where Hiccup and I stand just outside of it. "But here we are. And no one's more surprised...or more proud than I am. Today, my boy becomes a Viking. TODAY, HE BECOMES ONE OF US!" Stoick shouts.
"Be careful," I tell Hiccup. "And I know you don't want to hurt the dragon, but don't let it kill you," I state
"I'll be okay. I'm gonna put an end to this," He tells me I eye him worriedly. "Freya, if something goes wrong...make sure they don't find Toothless or Ocean," He tells me.

"Don't worry, they'll be okay," I reassure him. "Just make sure nothing goes wrong," I tell him with a small smile, which he returns.
"It's time, Hiccup. Knock him dead," Gobber tells him. Hiccup nods and walks into the ring as everyone cheers around him. The gate lowers in front of me, leaving me on the other side of the arena as Hiccup walks over and picks a dagger from the weapons stand. They release the Monstrous Nightmare, it was ready completely on fire and extremely angry. The dragon climbs along the chains of the arena as the fire around its body slowly sets itself out. The dragon stops climbing and turns to Hiccup growling. As the dragon approaches HIccup, he drops his weapons and raising his hand as he did to Toothless.

"It's okay. It's okay," Hiccup says as he takes off his helmet and looks at all the people watching him in confusion. "I'm not one of them," He states as he drops the helmet on the floor and everyone gasps in shock.
"Stop the fight!" Stoick shouts.
"No! I need you all to see this," Hiccup tells him. "They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them," He says as he holds his hand closer to the dragon.
"I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!" Stoick shouts as he slams his hammer against the bars, making the dragon mad. The dragon starts to spit fire at Hiccup, making him have to run as the dragon chases him. "Out of my way!" He shouts to the people around him.

"Hiccup!" I shout worriedly as I take an ax from the wall behind me and open the gate just enough for me to enter the ring. I look around for something to help him with, I spot a hammer and quickly pick it up, throwing it at the dragon and hitting it in the head. It turns to me and starts to chase me, I shout in fear as I begin to run from it.
"FREYA!" I hear my mother shout worriedly.
"This way!" I hear Stoick shout, I look over and see him motioning for us to run as he stands at the gate. Hiccup and I start to run over, but the dragon blocks us and we are forced to run the other way. Suddenly, the dragon throws Hiccup down and towners over him.

"NO!" I shout as the dragon prepares to kill him. Before he can, we hear Toothless and Ocean and see them break through the ring and start to attack the Nightmare.
"Night Furies!" Gobber shouts in shock. Toothless and Ocean stand in front of Hiccup and I, growling and snapping at the dragon in front of them. The dragon, knowing it's outnumbered, begins to back away from them.
"Alright, Toothless, Ocean, go. Get out of here!" Hiccup shouts to them as we push them to leave, but they don't move.

"Night Fury!" Vikings shout as they all start to enter the ring.
"Go! GO!" I tell them sternly. Toothless looks over to Ocean worriedly and makes a low noise as if telling her to leave. She seems sad, but she spreads her wings and quickly flies out of the ring.
"One is getting away!" A Viking shouts.
"Get the other one!" Another shouts.
"Take it alive!" They say.
"Stoick, no!" I hear Astrid shout, making me look over to see Stoick running at Toothless with an ax in hand.
"No, Dad, he won't hurt you!" Hiccup shouts to him.

"No, don't! You're only making it worse!" I shout as the other Vikings try to attack Toothless.
"Toothless, STOP!" Hiccup shouts as Toothless charges at Stoick. "No! NOOOO!" He shouts at the dragon and Toothless stops, turning and staring at Hiccup sadly.
"Get him!" A Viking shouts.
"No! Please, jus-just don't hurt him!" Hiccup shouts as he tries to stop them, but I grab his arm and pull him back. "Please don't hurt him," He shouts as they force Toothless down.
"Put it with the others!" Stoick shouts as they all take Toothless away while he drags Hiccup off too. I stand there in shock, breathing heavily before I walk out of the ring sadly. the first thing I see is my mother staring at me in disbelief, she motions for me to follow her. I sigh, knowing she won't be happy at all.

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