Chapter 3

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Freya's POV.

After another day of dragon training, Hiccup kinda messing it up, and Astrid yelling, Hiccup and I were walking back to the cove where we were hoping the dragons still were.
"Here," Hiccup says as he hands me a raw fish.
"Thanks...?" I more so ask then say as I take the slimy fish from his hand.
"It's for the dragons," He states as he holds up a shield and walks between two boulders, only for the shield to get stuck. Hiccup tries to get it loose but he can't, so we just go under it. We look around for the dragons, but we don't see them anywhere. Suddenly, we see them jump down from a rock and creep over to us, smelling the air as they walk. Probably smelling the fish we hand in our hands. They slowly walk over to us as we hold out the fish, but the dragon with one tail wing growls and steps in front of the other. 

I look over to Hiccup as he grabs the knife from his belt, making the dragon growl again. He throws the knife onto the ground and uses his foot to tose it into the pond. Suddenly, the dragon relaxes and sits down as the other sits beside him. We hold out the two fish again and they slowly walk over to us. They open their mouths, I frown in confusion as I see they have no teeth.
"Huh. Toothless," Hiccup says in surprise. "I could've sworn you had..." He starts to say, but suddenly the dragon's teeth pop out of their gums and they quickly take the fish from our hands.
"Teeth..." Hiccup finishes his sentence, shock lacing his tone. The dragons look up at us and begin to walk toward us, making both of us back away, eventually walking into a rock.
"Uh, no no, we don't have anymore," I say softly.

They stare at us for a moment before they spit half of the two fish into either of our laps. Hiccup and I look at each other unsure what they want us to do. The dragons sit back, trying to mimic how we're sitting, and stare at us. They look down at the fish and then back up at us, seeming to want us to eat it.
"I think they want us to eat the fish," I whisper to Hiccup, he sighs and looks down at the fish in disgust. I take a deep breath as I pick up the raw, half-eaten fish. I take a bite of it and Hiccup does the same, my expression turning to one of revulsion.
"Hmm," We mumble in disgust. The dragons move their heads in a way of telling us to swallow the fish. We look at them with a look of 'really?', but we listen and swallow the gross fish. I give them a small smile and they copy me, showing their gums.

 Hiccup holds up his hand to the dragon with one tail wing. But before he can touch him, the dragon growls and flies away, the other following him. We quietly follow after them as they use their fire to warm up the ground before laying down next to each other and curling up. We sit down beside them, making the dragon with one tail wing look up, staring at us for a moment before laying his head back down. They put their wings around their bodies and use their tails to hind their faces from us. Hiccup tries to touch the dragon again, but it moves it's tail and stares at him again. Making Hiccup quickly get up and walk away from them as I follow him. I sigh as I sit down on a rock beside Hiccup, who starts to draw in the dirt. After a few moments, I see two black figures sit beside us. I lift my head up and watch was the dragons watch Hiccup as he draws both dragons in the dirt.

 The green-eyed, one tail winged dragon walks over to a tree and rips a branch off it, he then walks back over to us and starts to draw lines in the dirt with the branch as the other dragon watches him and tilts her head. When the dragon is down, we look at the design he had drawn. Hiccup gets up and walks around, stepping on one of the lines and making the dragon growl at him. Hiccup picks up his leg and dragon relaxes, he then steps on it again and the dragon growls, he then picks his foot back up and steps over the line and the dragon stay calm. Hiccup walks over all the lines and eventually backs up to the dragon, making him stop moving.

He turns around and stares at the dragon for a moment before he tries to touch him again, but the dragon growls at him. Hiccup takes a deep breath as he looks away from him, holding his hand a few inches away from the dragon and waits. The dragon stares at him as if thinking about whether or not to trust him, but eventually he moves his head and closes his eyes as Hiccups hand touches his snout. Hiccup looks up and stares at the dragon in surprise. It doesn't last long as the dragon opens his eyes and shakes his head before he gets up and glides away. I look over to the other dragon to see her staring at me curiously, but the one tail winged dragon roars lowly, making her turn her head and look over to him. She looks back over to me as she spreads her wings and flies over to the other dragon, leaving me to stare in awe of what had just happened.

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