Chapter 9

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Freya's POV.

We fly into the battle and see the Queen dragon standing over Stoick and Gobber. Everyone stares at us in shock as we fly down.
"Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs!" Hiccup shouts as we fly "Move, Fishlegs!" He tells them.
"LOOK AT US! WE'RE ON A DRAGON! WE'RE ON DRAGONS! ALL OF US!" Tuffnut shouts to everyone below.
"Up, let's move it!" Hiccup shouts.
"Fishlegs, break it down!" I tell him as we all flying a circle.
"Okay!" Fishlegs shouts as he looks down at the Queen dragon. "Heavily armored tail made for bashing and crushing! Steer clear of both! Small eyes, large nostrils! Relies on hearing and smell!" He explains.

"Okay! Lout, Legs, hang in its blind spot! Make some noise, keep it confused!" Hiccup tells them as he hangs onto me as to not fall off. "Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad!" He tells them, making them smirk.
"That's my specialty!" Ruff says.
"Since when?! Everyone knows I'm more irritating!" Tuff shouts. "See?!" He says as he's dragons head goes upside down.
"Just do what I told you!" Hiccup shouts to them.
"We'll be back as soon as we can!" I tell them.
"Don't worry, we got it covered!" Snotlout tells us as they fly toward the dragon while Hiccup and I try to find Toothless. 

Ocean turns and see all the boats are on fire, but no Toothless. Suddenly, we hear Toothless' roar and search the boats with our eyes until we see him trapped on one of them.
"There!" Hiccup shouts as we fly down to him. Hiccup jumps off Ocean and lands on the boat in front of Toothless, who is still chained up. "Go help the others!" He tells Astrid and I. Astrid nods and takes off to help, but I don't leave.
"Hiccup, I'm not gonna just leave you here," I state.
"I'll be fine, go," Hiccup tells me. I look at him worriedly, but I listen and fly over to help everyone. As I fly closer to the others, I see Snotlout standing on the dragon hitting its eyes with a hammer.

"Yeah! You're the Viking!" Astrid shouts to Snotlout, making him smile. Suddenly, he's thrown over and almost falls off the dragon, but quickly saves himself. I hear a roar from behind us and look over to see Toothless and Hiccup flying into the air.
"He's up!" I shout as I fly over to Astrid, Ruff, and Tuff. "Get Snotlout out of there!" I tell them as we fly up into the sky. The twins fly over to the dragon and Snotlout jumps off the Queen and onto their dragon. I fly behind Astrid who is following the twins, but suddenly the huge dragon starts to suck Ocean and I closer to its mouth. Ocean tries to fly faster, but it doesn't do anything and we keep falling closer and closer to its mouth. Just before the dragon gets us, Toothless and Hiccup fly by and shoot a blast into the dragon's mouth, making the Queen stagger back and knocking me off Ocean.

"AHHH!" I shout in fear as I fall, the ground getting closer and closer with each second. Right before I hit the ground, Toothless grabs my foot and flies up.
"Did you get her?" I hear Hiccup ask Toothless worriedly. Toothless looks down at me and gives me a toothless smile, making laugh. Toothless gently drops me off on the ground, a little ways away from the rest of the Vikings. I watch as they fly off before I turn and walk over to the rest of the Vikings, where my mother quickly finds me and brings me into a hug.
"You're alright!" She says tearfully.
"I'm alright, mom," I say with a small smile as I hug her back.

"What I said was wring. I never want you to be just like everyone else, I want yo to be unique, be yourself, be happy," She says as she looks at me lovingly, making me smile.
"I know, mom," I state, giving her a smile. Everyone quickly looks up as Toothless sends a blast at the huge dragon, making it fall down. The Queen dragon starts to open her huge wings and begins to fly after Toothless and Hiccup as they fly higher and higher into the sky. We all watch as Toothless and Hiccup lead the huge dragon into the clouds, but we quickly lose sight of them. All we hear and see for a moment is roaring and flashing light before we see the huge dragon falling out of the clouds, its wings burning away like a dead leaf.

It falls to the ground, creating a huge explosion, making all of us look away. As the fire clears, all we see is smoke and ash. NO Hiccup, no Toothless. Stoick runs into the smoke to look for Hiccup and Toothless. As the smoke clears we all see Stoick kneeling beside Toothless, but I don't see Hiccup. I look at Toothless, my eyes beginning to water with tears as I see Ocean slowly walk over to Toothless and nudge his head with hers. Toothless slowly opens his eyes and stares at Stoick for a moment before he slowly opens his wings to reveal Hiccup. Everyone gasps as Stoick takes off his helmet and puts his ear to Hiccup's chest. Everyone is quiet as we all wait anxiously for him to say something.
"He's alive!" Stoick shouts, making everyone sigh in relief and cheer. "You brought him back alive!" He says to Toothless as he holds his unconscious son in his arms.

A Week Later.

I had just landed back on Berk after a ride with Ocean when I hear everyone cheering and laughing. I frown in confusion as I walk towards the sound and see Hiccup is awake and standing while everyone stands around them. I quickly walk over, everyone gets out of my way as I walk over to Hiccup and punch his arm.
"Ow!" He shouts as he turns to me.
"That's for scaring me," I say as I cross my arms.
"What, is it always going to be this way? Cause-" He starts to say, but I quickly cut him off as I grab his shirt and pull him into a kiss. "I could get used to it," He says smiling at me.

"Welcome home," Gobber says as he hands Hiccup a new tail wing for Toothless.
"Night Fury! Get down!" A Viking shouts jokingly as Toothless runs over to us, knocking down them all down. Hiccup puts the tail wing on Toothless and adjusts a few things before he gets on him and I get on Ocean, who stands beside him.
"You ready?" Hiccup asks Toothless, he roars as a way to say 'yes'. I smile as we take off and fly through the village. As we fly up Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruff, and Tuff join as we fly up into the clouds as a group of dragon riders.

A/N--> Wow, this was a short story. I had no idea how short this would be, but don't worry I will be writing the second movie. I know this isn't my best work, but I hope you enjoyed the first part of this story! -Lucy.

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