Chapter 14

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Freya's POV.

We had gone out of the ice cave and the Bewinderbeast had spit a bunch of fish into the air, which made Ocean and Toothless very happy, Hiccup had shown his mother, who I had learned was named Valka, the map he had been working on for quite some time now, and now we were flying with all the other dragons. Valka had been walking across the dragons for a few moments before she walks across Toothless, then jumps back onto Cloudjumper.
"When I'm up here, I don't even feel the cold. I just feel..." Valka trails off as she takes a deep breath of crisp air.

"Free," Hiccup says, smiling over to her.
"This is what it is to be a dragon, Hiccup," She says as she holds out her arms in happiness.
"It's all well and good to call yourself a dragon. But, can you fly?" Hiccup asks as he stands up and jumps off Toothless, making Valka gasp in worry.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine," I tell her as we watch Hiccup open the wings of his suit and begin to fly. I smile as we glide down to him, he looks over and smiles at us. But, his smile fades into a look of panic as we see some rocks ahead of us.

"Oh no. Toothless!" Hiccup shouts, making Toothless quickly fly over to him, wrapping his wings around him, moving through a hole in the rocks and making them fall into the snow.
"Man! Almost! We just about had it that time!" He says, standing up as Valka and I land in front of him and Toothless. We watch as Toothless uses his tail to knock Hiccup into the snow, making me laugh as I walk over and help him back to his feet.
"Incredible," Valka says as she examines Hiccup's suit.

"Well, not bad yourself," Hiccup says with a small smile. She looks over to him as she reaches out and touches the side of his face, but she retracts her hand as she realizes what she's doing. She studies Hiccup's face, seeing no objecting t actions and placing her hand back on his face. He smiles as he leans into his mother's touch, never knowing what it was like to feel the love of a mother. "All this time, you took after me," Valka says, smiling at her son. "And where was I? I'm so sorry, Hiccup," She says sadly as she places her hand on his shoulder.

"Can we start over? Will you give me another chance?" Valka asks as Hiccup smiles at her.  "I can teach you all that I've learned, these past twenty years. Like..." She trails off as she walks over to Toothless and pushes down on his neck, revealing hidden fins. Ocean makes a sound of curiosity as she slowly walks over to him, sniffing around him in confusion and wonder.
"Now you can make those tight turns," Valka says as Toothless shakes.

"Did YOU know about this?" Hiccup asks Toothless, who walks over to him excitedly.
"Every dragon has its secrets. And I'll show them all to you. We'll unlock every mystery, find every last species, together, as mother and son," Valka says to Hiccup as Toothless shows Cloudjumper and Ocean his new fins.
"This gift we share, bonds us. This is who you are, son. Who we are," Valka says, smiling at her son with pride. "We will change the world for all dragons! We will make it a better, safer place!" She exclaims.

"That sounds...amazing," Hiccup says with a small smile as his mother pulls him into a hug. The sudden movement surprises him, but he hugs her back. "This is so great! Now you and I can go talk to Drago- together," He says excitedly as he steps back.
"What? There's no talking to Drago," Valka states.
"But we have to-" Hiccup tries to say.
"No. We must protect our own," Valka says as she pets Couldjumper. "Now, come on. We should be getting back," She tells us as she hops on Cloudjumber and takes off into the sky.

Hiccup sighs as we both get on our dragons and take off after his mother. As we fly, I can feel Hiccup staring at me. I look over to him and frown in confusion as he stares at me worriedly.
"What?" I ask in confusion, breaking the silence.
"Are you alright?" He asks worriedly as Toothless flies closer to Ocean.
"I'm fine," I reassure him.
"Are you sure? You kind of almost...drowned earlier," He states.
"I'm okay," I say, giving him a small smile. "Though, I wouldn't recommend breathing in water. It hurts...a lot," I tell him, making him chuckle as we continue flying.


I stand in Valka's makeshift home in the ice cave, talking as Hiccup was in the sanctuary with all the dragons.
"Your name is Freya, yes?" Valka asks me kindly.
"Yes," I say as I look over to her with a small smile.
"I believe I met you once when you were young," Valka states, making me look at her surprised by her words. "Your mother is Anita, yes?" She asks.
"Um, yes...How did you know that?" I ask her in confusion.
"We were good friends. Though, I didn't much like your father," She states.

"Yeah, I didn't like him much either," I say, laughing a bit.
"Are you and Hiccup...together?" She asks, clearly unsure if she should ask such a personal question. But, I didn't mind.
"Oh, yes. We're engaged, actually," I say, smiling over at her as her face brightens.
"Then, I will be happy to call you my Daughter-in-law," Valka says with a wide smile, making me smile again. I turn around as we hear footsteps, only to see Gobber walk in and stare at Valka in complete shock.
"Gobber? What are you doing here?" I ask him in surprise. He looks at me before he turns around and walks away.

I watch as Stoick walks in, holding his sword threatening. But, he stops walking when he sees Valka, dropping his sword and taking off his helmet. They stare at each other, clearly not knowing what to say to each other.
"I know what you're going to say, Stoick. How could I have done this? Stayed away all these years. And why didn't I come back to you? To our son," Valka says as I slowly walk over to Hiccup, who stands behind Stoick. He gently takes my hand into his as he watches his parents stand in front of each other for the first time in twenty years.  "Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick? That anyone on Berk could?" She asks.

"I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find another answer, but did any of you listen?" Valka asks Stoick, who slowly begins to walk over to her.
"This is why I never married," Gobber tells us. "This other reason," He states.
"I know that I left you to raise Hiccup alone...but I thought he'd be better off without me. And I was wrong, I see that now, but...Oh, stop being so stoic, Stoick," Valka says as she backs up into the ice wall behind her, Stoick now standing right in front of her. "Go on...SHOUT, SCREAM, SAY SOMETHING!" She shouts tearfully as he stares at her.
"...You're as beautiful as the day I lost you," Stoick says softly as he leans down and kisses her. I look over to Hiccup and see him smiling at his parents who had finally found each other again.

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