Chapter 2

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Third Person POV.

Freya sits on her small bed, an old notebook in her hand. The notebook used to belong to her father, there were many things about his life and even more about dragons he had killed. Her father was killed by a dragon, she thought the way he died was ironic. Of course, she loved her father, even if he wasn't the kindest man. But, the last words he ever said to her were the words that expressed his disappointment in her and how he would no longer call her his daughter. Her mother always said that he didn't mean what he said, but since he couldn't tell her he was sorry for his words, Freya wasn't convinced.
"Are you reading those notes again?" A woman says from the doorway, making Freya look up and see her blonde haired mother.

"Figured they would have useful information," Freya says with a small shrug. After her father died, she and her mother didn't speak much to each other. While her mother tried to communicate to her, Freya never wanted to speak. Her mother sighs and stares at her in worry from where she stands. "I'm fine, mom," She says as she looks back down at the notebook.
"Okay," Her mother says softly. "Are you excited about tomorrow?" She asks calmly. Freya sighs as he sets the book down. Tomorrow was dragon training, something Freya had been dreading for a very long time.
"I suppose," Freya lies, but her mother doesn't seem to catch her lie. She smiles at her daughter and nods, before turning around and walking away.

The Next Day.

Freya's POV.

Today dragon training starts, and I'm not happy that I have to do this. It wasn't my choice too, my mother is making me. She wants me to know how to kill dragons so I don't end up like my father, he was killed by a dragon. No one really knows what kind of dragon, some say it was a Monstrous Nightmare others say it was Night Fury. Whichever it was it doesn't matter, I will never kill nor harm a dragon. Unpopular opinion, but it was true. Not that I would ever say that openly. I walk behind everyone as we all follow Gobber into the training ring.
"Welcome to Dragon Training!" Gobber says happily.
"No turning back," Astrid says as she holds her ax in her hand.
"I hope I get some serious burns!" Tuffnut says smiling in excitement.

"I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back," Ruffnut says, acting 'cool.'
"Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it," Astrid states as she looks around.
"Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain. Love it," We hear Hiccup say behind us.
"You all concern me," I say as we all turn around to face Hiccup.
"Oh, great. Who let him in?" Tuffnut asks in annoyance.
"Let's get started!" Gobber exclaims. "The recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village," He says smiling at all of us.

"Hiccup already killed a Night Fury, so, does that disqualify him or...?" Snotloud asks jokingly, making the others laugh.
"Can I transfer to the class with the cool Vikings?" Tuffnut asks as they begin to walk over to all of the metal doors holding dragons behind them. I roll my eyes as I against my grip on the sword in my hand. I hated this sword, a bow and arrow was definitely my strong suit.
"Ignore them," I say kindly to Hiccup before turning around and walking over to the others.
"Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight!" Gobber says as he stands in front of us. "The Deadly Nadder!" He says, pointing to one of the doors where a dragon is trying to get out.

"Speed: eight; Armor: sixteen," Fishlegs says to himself.
"The Hideous Zippleback!" Gobber says, pointing to another door.
"Plus eleven stealth times two," Fishlegs says.
"The Monstrous Nightmare!" Gobber says.
"Firepower: fifteen," Fishlegs states.
"The Terrible Terror!" Gobber shouts as he continues to walk by all the doors.
"Attack: eight; Venom: twelve!" Fishlegs shouts in excitement.
"CAN YOU STOP THAT?!" Gobber shouts to him, making Fishlegs stop talking. "And...the Gronckle!" He says.

"Jaw strength: eight," Fishlegs whispers as Gobber puts his hand on the lever, ready to release the dragon from its cage.
"Whoa, whoa, wait!" Snotlout shouts as he steps forward. "Aren't you gonna teach us first?!" He asks in a panic.
"I believe in learning on the job," Gobber says smugly as he pulls the lever, releasing the dragon and making all of us scatter. "Today is about survival. If you get're dead! Quick! What's the first thing you're going to need?" He asks us.
"A doctor?!" Hiccup shouts.
"Plus five-speed?!" Fishlegs asks.

"A shield!" Astrid and I shout.
"Shields! Go!" Gobber shouts as we all run over and grab a shield from the ground. "Your most important piece of equipment is your shield! If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, take the shield!" He informs us. I see Ruffnut and Tuffnut fight over a shield, while they are distracted the Gronckle spits fire at them and they both fall to the ground.
"Tuffnut, Ruffnut, you're out!" Gobber shouts to them, they grumble but stand back up and walk off to the side. "Those shields are good for another thing: noise! Make lots of it too throw off a dragon's aim!" He tells us, and we begin to hit the sides of our shields as the dragon flies above us.

"All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronckle have?" Gobber asks us.
"Five?" Snotlout asks unsurely.
"No, six!" Fishlegs shouts.
"Correct, six!" Gobber says as Fishlegs' shield gets blasted out of his hand and he runs away screaming in fear.
"Fishlegs, out," Gobber states. "Hiccup, get in there!" He shouts as Hiccup hides behind some a wooden wagon.
"So, anyway I'm moving into my parents' basement. You should come by sometime to work out. You look like you work out!" Snotlout says to Astrid as she and I run away, just as the Gronckle fires at Snotlout.

"Snotlout! You're done!" Gobber shouts to him as Hiccup, Astrid, and I stand next to each other.
"So, I guess it's just you and me, huh?" Hiccup asks, looking to me. I frown as I glance over to him but, I quickly look back at the dragon in front of us.
"No, Astrid is here too," I state.
"And now, it's just you," Astrid says as she grabs my hand and we run, just as the Gronckle fires at us and misses. Hiccup loses his shield and runs after it, the dragon right behind him.
"One shot left! Hiccup!" Gobber shouts as the dragon corners Hiccup. It's about to fire at him, but Gobber grabs the side of its mouth with his hook and the shot hits the wall instead of Hiccup.

"And that's six," Gobber mumbles. "Go back to bed, ya overgrown sausage!" He shouts as he swiftly puts the dragon back in its cage.
"You'll get another chance, don't you worry," Gobber tells Hiccup. "Remember: a dragon will always, always, go for the kill," He informs us, though he was mostly speaking to Hiccup before he walks out of the training ring with all of us behind him. I watch as Hiccup begins to walk away, in the opposite direction of where he lives. I frown in suspicion and decide to follow him, to see what he's up too. I quietly follow him through the forest, watching each step I take as to not make a sound. I continue following him until he comes to a stop and picks up the bola that he had used to shoot down the Night Furies. He continues to walk, I frown and follow him over to a cove with a small pond in it. 

"Well, this was stupid," He mumbles, I watch as he picks up a few black scales. Suddenly, a black dragon roars and tries to get out of the cove but fails and glides over the pond before landing next to another Night Fury with blue eyes. My eyes go wide with awe as I see them.
"Are those...Night furies?" I ask in shock.
"Ahh!" Hiccup shouts as he turns around in surprise. "What...what are you doing here?" He asks.
"I followed you, you seemed to be up to something," I state as I walk over to kneel down beside him, looking down at the two dragons. "Plus I wanted to know if you actually hit them, and you did," I say, not moving my eyes from the dragons.

The Night Fury continues to try and fly, but fails each time. I watch as Hiccup takes out his sketchbook and begins to draws the Night Fury.
"Why don't you away?" Hiccup mumbles to himself as we both stare at the dragons. Hiccup smudges away the second tail wing he had drawn, seeing as the dragon in front of us only had one. The dragon glides back down to the ground, landing beside the other. He begins to try and catch fish in the pond, but fails at that too. Hiccup accidentally drops his pencil, he tries to quickly grab it but it falls into the cove, making the dragons look up at us and stare.
"We should get back," I whisper over to Hiccup, he nods as we both stand up and slowly begin to back away until we are back in the forest. We then turn around, silently making our way back to Berk.

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