Chapter 5

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Freya's POV.

In the last few days, Hiccup had made a saddle for Toothless and one for Ocean. Though I was nervous about riding a dragon Hiccup reassured me it would be fun and I'd be okay, I have to say he was right and now I love flying with Ocean. Hiccup and I had found out many things about dragons, like how they loved the smell and feel of tall grass, and if you scratched a certain part of their neck they seem to be paralyzed or extremely sleepy, and they seem to think they can catch the light that reflects off certain objects. Hiccup had been trying out the things he had made so he could ride Toothless and help him with the fake tail wing when he went flying to some trees. Which made the leather strap, that we both had so we wouldn't go flying off the dragons, become too tight and get stuck to the metal ring of the saddle.

So, here we are in Berk with A DRAGON trying to get to the blacksmiths. We had left Ocean in the cove, though she tried to follow us a few times.
"Hiccup," A Viking says with a nod as he walks past us. Oh yes, did I forget to mention Hiccup has kinda become a celebrity around Berk now? It was great for me, but annoying for me. We quickly and quietly walk over to the blacksmiths and Hiccup tries to get the leather strap off the saddle.
"Hiccup? Are you in there?" We hear Astrid say from outside, making us look at each other with wide eyes.
"Uh oh," I whisper as Hiccup quickly opens the window and jumps out, quickly closing it behind him as I try to keep Toothless from pulling him back inside.

"Astrid. Hey! Hi, Astrid. Hi, Astrid. Hi, Astrid," Hiccup says, making me roll my eyes.
"I normally don't care what people do, but you're acting weird," Astrid says as Toothless begins to look around.
"Toothless no!" I whisper-shout.
"Well, weirder," Astrid states. "And so has Freya. It's like you two are...friends now," She says suspiciously. Hiccup laughs nervously as Toothless keeps moving, I try to make him stop but he pulls Hiccup through the window again. Hiccup grabs my hand and pulls me onto Toothless as the dragon quickly runs out of the building and we fly away.

The Next Day.

I tightly hold onto Ocean, who is quite high in the air, soaring through the blue sky and flying through small clouds.
"Are you sure we're ready to fly?" I ask Hiccup, who is on Toothless beside me.
"Yeah, the only way we're going to get the hang of it is by actually flying," Hiccup tells me as he looks back and gives me a smile.
"Whatever you say," I say as I look down at the water nervously.
"Okay there, bud, we're gonna take this nice and slow. Here we go. Here we go...position three, no, four," Hiccup says, I look over to him nervously as he moves the gears that open Toothless' tail wing.

"Alright, it's go time. It's go time. Come on, buddy, come on, buddy!" Hiccup says as Toothless dives and Ocean follows. We soar over the sea, the dragon's wings hitting the water lightly. "Yes, it worked!" He cheers as we fly between two sea stacks.
"Hiccup look out-!" I try to warn him, but he and Toothless fly into a sea stack.
"Sorry!" Hiccup says, but they fly into another. "That was my fault," He says, but Toothless hits Hiccup with his ear, making me laugh from behind them.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm on it," Hiccup says. "Position four, uh, three," He says as he adjusts Toothless' tail wing with the pedal that was on the side of the saddle. "Yeah! Go, baby! Yes!" He shouts as they fly up, Ocean and I behind them.

"Oh, this is amazing! The wind in my...CHEAT SHEET!" Hiccup shouts as the cheat sheet goes flying off the saddle. He tries to catch it, but suddenly the leather strap unhooks from the saddle and they both start falling.
"Hiccup!" I shout in horror as they fall. "Come on, girl. Quickly!" I shout to Ocean as we start to fly down after them. Before we can get to them, Hiccup grabs onto Toothless and right before they crash into the trees they start to glide again. I sigh in relief. Hiccup tries to look at the cheat sheet, but we come across a bunch of tall rocks and he has no time to look down anymore. He lets go of the paper and then swiftly flies through the rocks. I follow what he does and we get through the rocks smoothly.

"YEAH!" Hiccup shouts as we fly up through the clouds.
"That was amazing!" I shout smiling as I throw my arms out. Toothless sends a purple blast in front of him and Hiccup and they fly through it, burning some of Hiccup's hair and making me laugh. After a few minutes, we find a place to land and the dragons lay down, eating some fish as we lean against them. I look up as a few Terrible Terrors walk over to us and try to take Toothless and Ocean's fish. Toothless growls at them while Ocean tilts her head.

She was a very curious dragon. One of the tiny dragons tries to take one of Toothless' fish, but Toothless takes it from them. The tiny dragon gets ready to send fire at Toothless, but Toothless sends a small blast into the dragon's mouth, making the tiny thing wobble around.
"Not so fireproof on the inside, are you?" Hiccup asks him.
"Here you go, little guy," I say as I tose a fish over to him and he quickly eats it. The tiny dragon then walks over to Hiccup and I, laying down beside us and begins to fall asleep.
"Everything we know about you guys is wrong," Hiccup says as he gently pets the tiny dragons head. We really did have it all wrong.

That Night.

I quickly walk through the village, making my way to my small house. I open the door and walk inside, but stop as I see my mother standing in front of me.
"Mom, I didn't know you were back," I say in shock. Most of the adults had gone on a trip to try and find the dragon's nest, including my mother.
"Hello dear," Mom says with a small smile. "Yes, we all got back early this morning. I've heard you're doing quite well in dragon training," She says, smiling proudly.
"Oh, uh, yeah. I guess so," I say with the tiniest smile.
"I've also heard that you've been spending a lot of time with Hiccup," She says, almost hintingly.

"Yeah, we've become good friends," I tell her.
"Just friends?" She asks teasingly.
"Mom! I am not dating anyone," I say as I shake my head.
"Of course not, dear," She says, making me shake my head again. I sigh as everything goes silent.
"Well, I should go get some sleep," I tell her as I begin to back up.
"Yes, big day tomorrow," She tells me, I sigh as I remember Hiccup and Astrid are going to see who gets to fight the Monsterous Nightmare tomorrow. I'm just happy it's not going to be me.
"Yeah," I say as I turn away from her and walk into my room to get some rest.

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