Chapter 17

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Freya's POV.

We were all on very crazy, wind, and untamable baby dragons. But, they were all that we had left. We all had gotten back to Berk, just as the sun had begun to rise but as we come out of the clouds we see a bunch of ice around the Village and all the Dragons following the new Alpha.
"No..." Hiccup says in shock as we all gasp.
"He took all the dragons!" Fishlegs exclaims.
"Distract the Alpha," Hiccup tells us. "Try to keep his focus off of Toothless," He says.
"" Tuff asks.
"Have you forgotten who you're riding with? There isn't a dragon alive that I can't wrangle!" Eret says as he flies beside the twins. "Except for this one!" He shouts as the baby dragon dives down.

"Amateur," Snotlout says smugly as he shakes his head as we all fly down to Berk.
"Look, it's Hiccup!" The Vikings shout and cheer as Hiccup flies over to the Alpha while the rest of us fly down and get ready to distract the King dragon. We put a sheep into the catapult e use for Dragon racing and launch it up into the air, making it fly up between Hiccup and the Alpha. The Alpha watches the sheep, seeming to be confused.
"Keep 'em coming!" Ruff shouts to the others.
"Black Sheep, baby!" Snotlout shouts. The Alpha is about to fire at us, but Fishlegs blows the horn and distracts it. The Alpha looks over, only to see no one. We launch the black sheep up and it lands on the Alpha's face.

"Ten points!" Snotlout shouts jokingly as the Alpha blows the Sheep off of him. The Alpha roars but stops as the horn is blown again.
"Uh-oh..." I say as the Alpha fires at the horn, destroying it.
"I'm okay!" We hear Fishlegs shout. I look up and see Hiccup now flying in front of Drago, who is on Toothless. Hiccup begins to talk Toothless out of the trace he was in. Hiccup puts his hand on Toothless' snout and he clearly snaps out of it. Drago hits Toothless' head, making him mad as he throws Drago off his back. Toothless begins to fall as his tail wing is no longer open. I watch as Hiccup jumps off the baby dragon and starts to fall after Toothless. Right before they both hit the water, Hiccup grabs onto Toothless and opens his tail wing and they fly off into the air.

They fly up and behind the mountain as the Alpha begins to shoot ice at them, just barely missing them. They fly back down, dodging the ice as the dragon sends it at them,
"Take him down, babe!" I shout to Hiccup as they fly by and make their way to Drago and the Alpha.
"Go, Hiccup!" Everyone shouts from around me. We watch as they fly by the Alpha as it sends another ice blast at them and they fly up right before it hits them. I look up and see Toothless flying in the air, but not Hiccup. I begin to worry, but then I see him flying in front of the Alpha with his suit. He flies around Drago, releasing Zippleback gas from his sword and lighting it, creating an explosion that knocks Drago off the Alpha and onto the ground.

Hiccup flies behind the Alpha as it starts to raise its tail, but Toothless flies down to him and they start to fly up like they had tried to do so many times before. Toothless continues to fly up and they make it this time. They both fly back down to the ground and land in front of Drago.
"Hold him there Toothless!" Hiccup shouts as Toothless opens his mouth, ready to send a blast at Drago if needed. "It's all over now," He tells Drago as he stands in front of him.
"Or is it?" Drago asks smirking as the Alpha stands up and quickly sends a blast of ice at Hiccup. Toothless quickly runs over to him and they both are engulfed in ice.
"No!" I shout as I run over to the ice, while Valka lands in front of the ice on a baby dragon.
"No! No..." Valka says as she hits the ice, trying to break it.

"Hiccup..." She says sadly as she bows her head. I shake my head as I try to fight back tears, but I couldn't hold back my emotions. I look at the ice and see it begin to glow blue, I frown in confusion as Valka quickly helps me stand up. We quickly run out of the way as the ice breaks and flies around us. As the ice clears, we look back over and see Hiccup and Toothless, Toothless' fins now glowing a bright blue. Toothless growls at the King dragon as he jumps onto an ice spike and roars at the alpha, who roars back at him. Valka and I run over to Hiccup as he stands up and we watch Toothless in awe.
"Is he...?" I trail off.
"He's challenging the Alpha!" Hiccup exclaims.

"To protect you," Valka says with a smile as Toothless fires at the Alpha and in return the Alpha hits the ice Toothless had been standing on, breaking it into pieces. Toothless moves out of the way and lands on another ice spike. The Alpha loses concentration and his control of the other dragons vanishes. Ocean is the first dragon to be freed from control, she flies down to Hiccup, Valka, and I and stands in front of us protectively. Toothless flies down, landing in front of Ocean as he roars to the other dragons. They fly over and behind him, staying in the air as they turn to the Alpha.
"No, no, no, no! Fight back! Fight! FIGHT!" Dragon yells at the Alpha as he climbs onto one of its tusks as Hiccup hops onto Toothless.

"Now do you get it?" Hiccup asks Drago "This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty. Let this end now," He tells him seriously, Drago glares at him angrily.
"Never!" Drago shouts. "Come on!" He yells to the Alpha. Toothless turns his head to all the dragons behind him and seems to tell them to fire at the Alpha. Toothless, Ocean and all the other dragons send blast after blast at the Alpha.
"FIGHT! BLAST THEM!" Dragon screams. The Alpha, having been hit several times, is infuriated and roars at Toothless. Toothless fires one more blast at the Alpha, breaking one of its tusks off and making the Alpha roar in pain. Toothless roars one last time at the Alpha, making him back away in fear.

"The Alpha protects them all," Hiccup states as Drago stares in shock from where he stands on the Alpha. The Alpha dives into the sea, Drago still on his back, as everyone begins to cheer. All the dragons, including Ocean, bow down to Toothless who smugly sits down and roars in victory as all the other dragons join him.
"You never cease to amaze me, bud," Hiccup says as he pets Toothless. "Thank you," He says as he smiles. Hiccup is knocked down as Toothless jumps on him and starts to lick him.

"Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out!" Hiccup shouts, making everyone around us laugh. Everyone's dragons begin to find them again, return to them happily. I look over as Ocean runs over to me, making me smile as I place my head onto hers.
"I missed you, girl," I say softly as I lift my head up and smile at her. She purrs in response before she turns around and runs over to Toothless, rubbing her head under his.
"That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper," Eret tells Hiccup as he pets Stoick's dragon.

"Y'know, Skullcrusher's going to need someone to look after him now," Hiccup tells Eret.
"Me?" Eret asks in shock. "I'd be honored," He says as he continues to pet Skullcrusher.
"Your father...he'd be every bit as proud as I am," Valka tells Hiccup as she smiles at him.
"Thank you," Hiccup says. "I'm really glad you're here, mom," He states.
"And here I'll stay," She tells him.
"See? I told you it was in here," I tell Hiccup as I put my hand on his chest. I smirk as I open the fin on his suit, making Valka and myself laugh.

"Ha, ha. Still doing that one? That's hilarious," Hiccup says with a fake laugh as he smiles. "Come here, you," He says as he grabs my waist and brings me into a long-awaited kiss. We part and smile at each other lovingly. Gothi taps Hiccup's shoulder and motions for him to kneel in front of her, he listens and does as she asks. She presses her fingers across some burnt wood, using the coal to draw the Chief's symbol on Hiccup's forehead as everyone around watches.
"The Chief has come home!" Gobber shouts, making everyone cheer.
"Long live Chief Hiccup! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief!" Everyone chants as the dragons send a blast into the sky, creating an explosion in the sky to celebrate our victory.

A Few Weeks Later.

It had been a few weeks since the battle, but we're still rebuilding and ice was slowly melting away. I watch as Hiccup and Toothless put wood onto one of the rooftops of a house as Ocean and I fly by. Hiccup ducks just before Ocean hits his head, I laugh as I turn around and smile at him while we fly off. I wave to Gobber and Valka, who are taking armor off a dragon. Gobber launches the black sheep into the air, right in front of Ocean and I. We go to get grab it, but before we can, someone else goes.

I gasp, but then smile and shake my head as I see it's Toothless and Hiccup. I watch as he flies over to the baskets and throws the sheep into my basket before he lands where Stoick used to sit. Ocean flies over and we land beside them as the others land in front of us. I look over to Hiccup and smile at him, he smiles back before he leans over to me and we share a kiss. As we part from each other, we look at all of Berk as everyone shouts and cheers, happy that everything was finally peaceful. Well...for now.

A/N--> I know this wasn't my best story but I hope you enjoyed it, I plan on writing the 3rd movie when I get to see it on my birthday (I'm really excited about it!). Again I hope you all enjoyed it! Have a great day! -Lucy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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