Chapter 10

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Freya's POV.

Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, the twins, and I fly on our dragons, racing each other as everyone cheers and watches us as we fly. I see Fishlegs fly down and grab one of the sheep that has a target painted on its fur, and we're all after it. Suddenly, Snotlout flies over to Fishlegs and grabs the sheep out of his hands.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Fishlegs! Did you want that?" I hear Snotlout ask him tauntingly.
"Snotlout! That's mine!" Fishlegs shouts as I watch Snotlout fly over and give the sheep to Ruffnut. I look over to Astrid who is flying behind me and give her a confused look. She shrugs, just as confused as I am. I turn back around and watch as the twins put yet another sheep into their baskets.

"What are you doing, Snotlout?!" Astrid shouts to him. "They're going to win now!" She states.
"She's my princess!" Snoutlout states, making me frown in confusion. "Whatever she wants, she gets!" He says with a smile.
"Ruffnut?!" I shout in shock. "Didn't she try to bury you alive?!" I ask him.
"Only for a few hours!" Snotlout says as we fly around a building and through the stables. When we come back out, I see a baby dragon sneeze and accidentally set fire to a building.
"Astrid!" I shout to her, seeing as she is closer to the tower that had water within it to set out fires when these things happened.

"I've got it!" She says as she flies down and breaks the rope, making water spill out and set the fire out as we continue to fly. Suddenly, we hear the horn, telling us the black sheep is about to be released. "Come on, Stormfly! We can still win this!" I hear Astrid say to her dragon.
"Not if we do first!" I laugh as I see the black sheep launched into the air right in front of me. "Come on, Ocean!" I say to the blue-eyed dragon I sit on. For a dragon, she was quite competitive. We start to fly up to the sheep, but right before she grabs it with her claws, Fishlegs flies in front of us and grabs it. "Hey!" I shout as he cheers and starts to fly away. I see him hand it to Ruffnut and they begin to fly toward the baskets.
"You guys are fighting over Ruffnut?" Astrid asks Snotlout in shock.

I see Ruffnut push Fishlegs away from her, making him almost crashes into us. Ocean quickly moves away and he hits Snotlout and Astrid instead. I fly behind the twins as they are fighting over the black sheep, seeing this as a chance to take the sheep I stand up on Ocean and jump onto the twin's two-headed dragon. I run across the dragon's back, grabbing the sheep from the two fighting siblings and then jumping off.
"Mine now!" I shout to the twins as I land back on Ocean. She roars happily as we begin to fly towards the baskets. I look to the stands and give my mother a small wave as I fly by.
"That's my future daughter-in-law!" I hear Stoick shout, making me smile.

Oh yes, did I forget to mention that Hiccup and I are engaged? Ocean and I fly down towards the baskets, but right before I can put the sheep in Fishlegs crashes into me.
"Uh, excuse me!" Snotlout says as he holds up his hammer, ready to hit me off Ocean.
"Ocean!" I shout to her. She dives quickly and Snotlout hits Fishlegs instead of me. "WOAH!" I shout as Ocean spins down to the water, grazing it with her wings, and then flying back up. She goes upside down as she flies over the baskets and I throw the sheep in as everyone cheers.
"That's thirteen!" Stoick shouts. "Freya takes the game!" He shouts to the crowd.
"Woohoo!" I shout with a laugh as Ocean flies over to the crowd and I high-five a few people before we fly up into the sky and take off to find Hiccup.

A Little Later.

After flying for some time, Ocean and I finally find Hiccup and Toothless on a tall but small island. Ocean makes a sound letting them know we're here before she lands on the island. Hiccup and Toothless turnaround, Toothless runs over to Ocean excitedly as I hop off her.
"Afternoon, m'lady," Hiccup says from where he sits on the ground as I smile and walks over to him. "Where have you been?" He asks with a smile.
"Oh you know, winning races," I say with a small smirk as I sit down beside him. "Where have you been?" I ask as I look down at the map in front of him.
"Avoiding my dad," He states.
"Uh oh, what happened?" I ask.

"Oh, you're gonna love this," Hiccup says as I hold out my hand for the pencil he's holding. "I wake up. The sun's shining. Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftop. I saunter down to breakfast, thinking all is right with the world and I get, 'Son, we need to talk.'," He says as he stands up and impersonates his dad.
"'Not now, Dad. I've got a whole day of goofing off to get started."," I say as I move my shoulders. trying to impersonating Hiccup.
"Okay, first of all, I don't sound like that. What is this character?" Hiccup says with a look of amusement. "And second...what is that thing you're going with my shoulders?" He asks me as I move my shoulders again.

"A truly flattering impersonation. Anyway, he goes: 'You're the pride of Berk, son, and I couldn't be prouder...'," He says imitating Stoick again.
"'Aw, thanks, Dad. I'm pretty impressed with myself, too."," I say, imitating Hiccup as I dramatically move my arms around, making him laugh.
"WHEN have I ever done that with my hands?" He says as he does the exact thing he just asked.
"You just did," I laugh.
"Okay.. just..." Hiccup trails off as he walks over and kneels down in front of me. "Hold still. It's very serious," He says somewhat jokingly as he grabs my arms. I smile at him and nod jokingly as he stands back up, getting into character again.

"'You're all grown up, and since no chief could ask for a better successor, I've decided-"," He starts to say, but I gasp and interrupt him.
"To make you chief!" I exclaim as I stand up. "Hiccup that's great!" I say to him as I punch him in the chest playfully, making the fake fin of his suit pop out.
"You're gonna wear out the spring coil. The calibration is very sensitive!" Hiccup tells me, making me laugh again. Suddenly, the dragons run by us as they play and make us fall.
"Yeah, so...this is what I'm dealing with," He says as I stand up and help him to his feet.
"What did you tell him?" I ask.
"I didn't. By the time he turned around, I was gone," Hiccup states.

"Well, it's a lot of responsibility," I say as bend down and pick up the map, beginning to fold it away.
"It's not me, Freya," Hiccup states as I had him the map. "All those speeches, and planning, and running the village...that's his thing," He tells me, I look over to him and sigh.
"I know, and of course it's up to you," I state. "But, at some point, you'll have to do it," I state.
"I know. It's just, I'm not like you. You know exactly who you are. You always have," Hiccup says, I give him a look of 'not really.' "But...I'm still looking. I know that I'm not my father...and I never met my mother.... so, what does that make me?" He asks me as he walks over and sits down on the edge of the island that looks over a bunch of others like it.

I sigh as I walk over and sit beside him, leaning close as I begin to braid a small piece of his hair.
"What you're searching for...isn't out there, Hiccup," I state as I glance over at the world around us. "It's in here. Perhaps you just don't see it yet," I tell him as I put my hand on his chest and then kiss his cheek. I pull away and feel some kind of slobber on my mouth.
"Ugh," I say in disgust as I wipe my mouth, Toothless must have licked him earlier.
"Maybe. But, y'know...there is something out there," Hiccup says as he sits up on his knees and looks out at the horizon.
"Well, yes but-" I start to say, but Hiccup gently places his hand on my chin and moves my head to look over the mountains, where I see some kind of smoke rising into the sky above.

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