Chapter 8

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Freya's POV.

I stand in my home in front of my mother. She was pacing back and forth, something she does when she's mad.
"I don't understand, why would you trust a dragon?" She asks as she turns to me.
"Because they're not as bad as you think," I tell her.
"Not bad? NOT BAD?" She raises her voice in anger. "FREYA ONE KILLED YOUR FATHER!" She shouts at me.
"IT STILL KILLED HIM!" She shouts again.  "Your father knew you were different, but I told him it was just because you were young," She states, but she suggesting something by that.

"Clearly, I was wrong," She sighs. I stare at her, shocked that she actually agreed with his words, but my expression quickly turns to anger.
"Well then, would you like to yell at me for it? Disown me? Kick me out? Say I'm no longer your daughter? Then go die, just like he did?" I ask her in sadness, hurt, and anger. She shakes her head as she looks over to me sadly.
"He never meant any of what he said," She says, shaking her head.
"Yes, he did. He meant every word," I tell her, now more anger then sad. She looks at me sadly, but she knew I was right. He meant every word.
"Don't leave Berk, I have to go," She tells me as he begins to walk out of the house "I love you, my daughter, I just wish you were more like everyone else," She tells me as she walks out of the house.

Later That Day.

I sigh as I find Hiccup leaning on a railing, watching as all the boats with our parents and many more Vikings sail away to find the dragon's nest.
"What did your dad say?" I ask as I walk over and stand beside him. He sighs sadly.
"He basically disowned me, said I wasn't a Viking and I wasn't his son," He says sadly.
"...I'm sorry," I say as I lean against the railing.
"It wasn't your fault," Hiccup says as he looks over to me and frowns. "Are you okay?" He asks me worriedly, clearly, I still looked upset from earlier.
"Yeah, I-I just seem to always disappoint my parents," I tell him, he looks at me in shock.
"You? Disappoint your parents?" He asks me in disbelief.

"Yes...Is that hard to believe?" I ask as I look over to him with a frown of confusion.
"Well, you just always seemed so perfect to me," Hiccup states. "You're good at fighting, you're smart, strong...beautiful," He says with a nervous smile.
"I'm not that strong," I say, making him frown. "The last thing my father ever said to me was 'If you think those beasts are misunderstood and we shouldn't kill them, then you're worthless and most certainly are not my daughter.' And then, he was killed," I explain to him. "I guess I just act as though I'm strong," I tell him sadly. Hiccup looks at me sadly as I watch the boats disappear into the fog. I just hope my mother will be alright.

 I hear footsteps behind us and turn around to see Astrid walk over and stands beside us.
"It's a mess. You must feel horrible," Astrid says as she watches the water with us. "You've lost everything. Your father, your tribe, your best friend..." She trails off.
"Thank you for summing that up," Hiccup says sarcastically. "Why couldn't I have killed those dragons when I found them in the woods? It would have been better for everyone," He states.
"Yep. The rest of us would have done it," Astrid states. "So why didn't you?...Why didn't you?" She asks as she turns to him.
"I don't know. I couldn't," He states.
"That's not an answer," She tells him.

"Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?" He asks as he turns to her in frustration.
"Because I want to remember what you say, right now," She states.
"Oh, for the love of- I was a coward! I was weak! I wouldn't kill a dragon!" Hiccup shouts.
"You said 'wouldn't' that time," I say as with a small smile.
"Whatever! I wouldn't!" Hiccup shouts as he throws his hands up. "Three hundred years, and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon!" He shouts.
"First to ride one, though," I state.
"So?" Astrid asks him.
"...I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was," Hiccup says as he turns away from us.

"I looked at him, and I saw myself. Then I saw the way Ocean looked at me as I stood over Toothless...I wouldn't make her watch me kill him," He explains.
"I bet he's really frightened now. What are you going to do about it?" Astrid asks him.
"Eh, probably something stupid," Hiccup states.
"Yeah, but you've already done that," I tell him.
"Then something crazy!" Hiccup says as he smiles and starts to run down the stairs.
"That's more like it!" Astrid says as we run after him.
"Okay, Astrid you go get the others," Hiccup tells her. "Freya, go find Ocean," He tells me, we nod and go our separate ways.

I run through the forest, dodging trees and jumping over logs until I get to the cove, hoping that Ocean would still be there. I look around, but I don't see her. My shoulder slowly slumps as I see nothing...suddenly she jumps out from behind a rock and is about to attack me, but she stops when she sees me and looks at me with the saddest look I had ever seen from a dragon.
"I'm so sorry, girl," I say as I walk over to her and put my head on her's and she makes a sad rumble. "We're going to get him back, don't worry," I tell her.
"Let's get to the others," I say as I quickly hop on her and we fly to Berk.

When we get to the arena, I see everyone now has a dragon and is ready to go. They turn to me and Ocean growls at them, thinking they are a threat.
"It's alright, they're friends. Like Astrid," I tell her as I gently pat the side of her neck. She relaxes and tilts her head, looking at them curiously.
"Alright, let's go!" Hiccup says as everyone is now on their dragons. "I hope you don't mind if I ride with you," He says as he walks over to me and smiles up at me,
"Of course not," I say with a small smile as I hold out my hand to him. He smiles again as he takes my hand and he hops on. "Let's go save Toothless," I say and Ocean roars happily and we all fly off to the nest.

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