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Chapter One
Diagon Alley

===Narrator's PoV===

Aurora Black, the supposed granddaughter of the minister of magic, smiles as she walks down Diagon Alley. She was a girl of many talents.

She had missed out on the first year of Hogwarts as her grandfather took her to America to sort out something with the minister over there.

Aurora wore a black tank top, denim shorts, and white converse, her chocolate coloured hair was in pigtails and her dark brown eyes shined in the beaming sunlight as she walked through the parted crowd, people obviously recognised her.

She first went to Madam Malkin's to get her robes.

She opened the door and a little bell rang signalling the staff that a customer is here. A plump woman ran over to were she was.

"Hello dear, Hogwarts I presume?" she said tiredly, but she still had a smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright then, over here," she said.

She led Aurora over to a stool next to a boy with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, he looked the same age as her. He had freckles dotted round his face. She stood on the stool next to him, Madam Malkin went back to the customer she was originally working on.

"Hello," the unknown boy next to her said.

"Hi," She responded.

"Whats your name?" he asked.

"Aurora," she said, honestly surprised he doesn't recognize her. "Yours?"

"Apollo," he responded with a smile. "But I don't think you'd like me very much, I'm a Heidelberg."

Aurora's eyes widened, the Heidelberg's are an infamous pure-blooded family, they are known known for being practically best friends with Voldemort, he saw my expression. "I'm nothing like my family, I swear. I'm not even related to my parents, I'm adopted."

"Me too," Aurora smiles slightly. There was a silence.

"Going to Hogwarts?" Apollo asks, raising a brow.

"Yep," Aurora replies. "I'm expected to be in Gryffindor. What house are you in?"

"Ravenclaw," he smiles. "Mum and dad aren't particularly happy but oh well. I was always the odd one out of my two other brothers."
"I'd love to chat more but I have to go now," Apollo grins at me as he hops off the stool. "Goodbye."

"Bye," Aurora waved at him. The staff lady shuffled towards her and started to measure her.

That boy seems familiar to Aurora.

"Here's your robes dear," the lady handed her a bag. "2 galleons please."

Aurora happily gave her the wizard money.

Her next stop was going to be Ollivanders wand shop.

She already had most of her equipment, due to her grandfather. She just needed a wand and her books, which were unfortunately written by a man whose name is Gilderoy Lockhart. He is a complete fraud.

She walked through the door leading into a ancient, dusty room, well she wasn't surprised, it was founded in 382 BC after all.

She walked up to the desk, and was about to ring the bell when a old man walked out of the back.

"Ah! Hello my dear Aurora," Ollivander smiles.

"Good day Mr. Ollivander, I do hope your day has been well," Aurora said politely.

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