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Chapter Thirty-Four
The Final Challenge
*warning, there may be a bit of gore/violence  idk*
===Aurora's PoV===

It's been a few months since the last challenge, and when I had the fever. Harry had told me that they'd found Mr Crouch in the forest, dead. That shocked me.

It was now the day of the final task, and everyone was buzzing with excitement. Apart from me, I felt as though something bad is going to happen...

I walking down on my own when Cedric came up to me, dressed in yellow and black.

"Good luck Ced," I smile at him. He pulls me into a hug and places a kiss onto my forehead.

"Thank you Aurora," Cedric says, he then places his lips onto mine, I savoured this moment, and as we split apart he said, "I love you."

Tears welled in my eyes and I grin, "I love you too..."

"See you after the tournament," Cedric waves, and walks to where a stadium and a maze was. I shook off the bad feelings and continue my way.

I soon enough sat down next to Dean and Seamus at the front row of the stadium.

"Who'd you thinks gonna win?" Seamus says in ecstasy, shoving a bunch of popcorn into his mouth.

"Probably Potter," Dean says, the two look at me.

"I don't know, I just hope they all make it out alive," I sigh, looking worriedly at the four champions.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizards Cup deep within the maze," Dumbledore says, "only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr Diggory and Mr Potter tied for first position, they will be the first to enter. Followed by Mr Krum, then Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only to send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round."

It was a few minutes later when Moody shouts out, "champions! Prepare yourselves!"

Cedric hugs his father and quickly runs to me, he places a kiss on my lips and smiles warmly at me before returning to his place next to Harry.

"On the count of three... ONE..." Dumbledore gets cut of by the canon going. Harry and Cedric run into the maze.

It went on for half an hour until Fleur turns up as she got trapped. Then Viktor, I twiddle my thumbs nervously.

"Miss Black," Moody says, I nod, "I need you to follow me."

"Okay..." I say, suspicious. I get up and follow him out of the stadium, where he grabs my arm tightly, "what are you doing?"

"Sorry Princess Aurora," Moody says with an evil grin, he casts a spell at me. I close my eyes, but nothing happened. When I opened them again, I saw that Moody wasn't in front of me anymore and I was in a graveyard.

"Where am I?" I mumble looking round, I then heard a 'pop' and saw Harry and Cedric. "Harry? Cedric?"

"Aurora? What're you- -hang on, where are we?" Harry says, looking round. "Wait, I've been here before..."

"It's a Portkey. Harry, Aurora, the Cup is a Portkey," Cedric says. I make my way over to them and grab Cedric's hand.

"I've been here before, both of you, we have to get to the cup. Now!" Harry says in panic, we both shot him a look.

"What are you talking about?" I ask Harry in concern, but only get a groan as he falls to the ground in pain.

"Get to the cup! Please!" Harry cries out. Cedric and I look around.

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