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Chapter Fifteen
Tea Leaves, Hippogriffs and Boggarts

===Aurora's PoV===

I went to the Great Hall that morning, I saw Hermione at the Gryffindor table.
I sigh and walk up to her.

"Hey 'Mione," I say, she smiles and looks up. "Can you come with me for a minute?"

"Sure," Hermione nods and gets up. I then lead her towards the girls bathroom.

"So what's up?" Hermione asks. I sigh and lift up my left robe sleeve and point my wand at it.

"Revelio," I say. Then my Dark Mark showed up. Hermione gasps.

"Oh my!" She exclaims. "Why...?"

"I didn't have a choice," I say, tearing up. "Please don't hate me!"

Hermione hesitated before sighing. "Of course not, Aurora."

I nod with a slight smile.

"Have you told anyone else?" Hermione asks. I shook my head.

"My grandfather didn't believe me..." I sigh. "I didn't show him the mark though, because he always does something stupid when he doesn't understand. So I'd be on my way to Azkaban for being a spy..."

"That's awful," Hermione says, then pulls me into a hug.


I climbed up the stairs to my first lesson - Divination.
Hermione said that she's got a different lesson.

Once I got up there, I had a mini coughing fit, due to the sickly sweet smell. The room would've be nice and comfy, if only it didn't have that putrid smell.

I sat down onto a comfy stool, Harry and Ron were behind me. Apollo sat in front of me.

"Welcome my children," a mysterious voice called out.

"Oh, you already know she's gonna be a nutter," I whispered to Apollo, he grinned and nodded.

"Welcome to Divination, I am Professor Trelawney, together, we shall look into the future!" My house head, a lady who looked like she had escaped out of Azkaban came and sat on an armchair, she had messy frizzy hair, and glasses that made her eyes look like a bugs eyes.

"First, we shall be looking into tea leaves, Alright, pour in the tea, drink it, swirl it round three times, and give it to your partner, your textbooks will help you find out what your future foretells," Professor Trelawney said excitedly.

We all got to work.

Once Apollo and I had finished drinking, we swirled it round three times then swapped.

"Okay, you have a sun and an egg looking thing, which means you'll have a happy life," I said.

"Oh that's good, you have a-," Apollo started but got interrupted by the Professor slamming a cup down behind me, causing me to fall of my chair in shock. Apollo laughs loudly, before trying to quieten himself down.

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