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We glanced at each other and walked down the wide and damp pathway, feeling unnerved at the stone snake heads, as though their stone eyes were watching our every move.
I paused as I saw a body.

"Ginny!" Harry cried, running down the path, throwing his wand aside and crouching next to her. I jogged over and fell to my knees, "don't be dead! Please! Wake up!"

"She won't wake," a voice said, a boy, round about the age of sixteen, emerged from the darkness. He had locks of brunette and dark blue eyes, he wore an old Hogwarts uniform from round the 1930 - 40s. He had a Slytherin tie.

"Tom - Tom Riddle?" Harry said, clutching onto Ginny's hand.
The boy nodded, his dark blue eyes switching from Harry to me. "What d'you mean, she won't wake? She's not - she's not-?"

"She's still alive," Tom said. "But only just."

"Are you a ghost?" Harry said uncertainly.

"A memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years." Tom pointed down to what Ginny was holding, a diary, the diary that was in my room.

"Merlins beard, she must have stolen it from me, oh it's all my fault!" I put my head in my hands. "It should've been me, not her..."

"You've got to help me, Tom," Harry said, raising Ginny's head, "we've got to get out of here. There's a basilisk-."

"Harry, don't trust him! He's the one who caused this! He was controlling Ginny! Devouring on her soul, so that he could survive and have a body of his own!" I exclaimed, getting stressed out.

"What, it can't be true!" He said.

"This is why you weren't in Ravenclaw!" I said to him, but Harry just ignored me, argh that son of a-

"Thanks," I looked over to see Tom twirling Harry's wand between his long, slender fingers, an evil smirk was spread across his perfect face. Harry held out his hand, thinking Tom's going to give his wand back, but he didn't. "Listen, we've got to go! If the basilisk comes..."

"It won't come until it is called," said Tom calmly.

"What d'you mean? Look give me my wand, I might need it." Harry said urgently.

Tom's smile broadened. "You won't be needing it," he said, "and the reason Ginny's like this is because she stole the diary from Aurora's room," Tom said softly, pocketing Harry's wand and his eyes darted to me then back to Harry. "A bit of Aurora's souls was transferred to me, she wrote to me most when you and your friend were ignoring her, I then decided that I want to keep Aurora alive. She's important you see. So then one day, little Ginny came along and stole it, under my control of course. Although, I must admit, Aurora's stories were much more interesting then the life of an eleven year old girl thinking on how the great Harry Potter could ever like her, but as they went on, they got way more interesting, like dear Tom, I think I'm losing my memory. There are rooster feathers all over my robes and I don't know how they got there. Dear Tom, Percy keeps telling me I'm pale and I'm not myself. I think he expects me... there was another attack today and I don't know where I was. Tom, what am I going to do? I think I'm going mad... I think I'm the one attacking everyone, Tom," he recited, I looked down to see Harry's fists were clenched. "Ginny told me your whole fascinating story Harry," Tom carried on.

"No ones died this time," Harry said, "not even the cat. In a few hours the mandrake drought will be ready and everyone who was petrified will be all right again."

"I don't care about killing Mudbloods anymore, my new target is you." Tom said calmly.

"Why? it's not like your Voldemort. Stop it Aurora," I was trying to tell him that it is Voldemort.

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