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Chapter Twelve
The Leaky Cauldron

===Aurora's PoV===

It was an awfully long summer, my grandfather didn't believe what I said about Tom Riddle. He said that I must have dreamt it.
I've been owling my friends a lot and even stayed over with the Weasley's for a week, then they headed of to Egypt. I also visited Apollo at his house, we made sure that we were far away from his 'family.'

My grandfather thought that it'd be best to stay at The Leaky Cauldron, a wizard bar in London, for the two days as it's only about a mile away from Kings Cross Station and he wanted me to get there on time.

I pulled on a white cardigan over my white knee length dress, and picked up my backpack that had my essentials. My grandfather had my trunk sent there already.

"Ready to go?" Grandfather said, I nodded. We linked arms and apperated.
Once we got there, I saw Hermione and Ron sitting at one of the tables. They seemed to be arguing.

"You go join your friends," grandfather said before stalking off to who knows where.

I walked up to the table. "Hey."

Hermione grinned and got up and Ron got up as well. Hermione and I hugged tightly.

"Nice to see you again," Hermione smiles.

"You too 'Mione," I say. "You too Ron. By the way, why were you arguing?"

"Her cat keeps trying to murder my rat!" Ron exclaimed and sent a glare towards her.

"And that's a big deal because...?" I raise a brow. "Besides, your rat should be dead by now."

Ron rolled his blue eyes whilst Hermione smiled gleefully.

We all sat down.

"Have you heard about Sirius Black?" Ron asks me. I frown and shake my head. "He's a murderer, and he's escaped from Azkaban!"

"How's that possible?" I ask. Hermione looks like she's in thought.

"Aurora, you look awfully like Black, and you have the same surname," Hermione says. "Are you, by any chance, related?"

"No! Of course not!" I frown. "Why would I be related to a murderer? I would've been told this already!"

"Yes, but do you really think that your grandfather would tell you the truth?" Hermione asks. "For all we know, you could be..."


I came down the next morning with bags under my eyes, I hadn't slept a wink last night. I was in deep thought about Sirius Black and Tom Riddle. Was my whole life a lie?

I saw that Hermione and Ron were here already, but someone else was with them.

"Oh hello Harry!" I saw as cheerfully as I can.

"Hello Aurora," he smiles back, we hug.

"Goodness Aurora, you look awful," Hermione frowns.

"Thanks 'Mione, that really boosted my self-esteem," I say. She rolled her eyes.

"We think that you look perfect," two voices said, it was the Heidelberg twins. I scowl slightly.

"Oh um, thanks..." I say with an uncomfortable expression on my face.

"We look forward to see you round," Samael smirks.

"Ta ta now!" Damien adds and they walk away. Apollo comes forward with a frown.

"I'm so sorry about them," he says. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I respond. "They just make me uncomfortable."

"Me too," Hermione says. The boys nodded, agreeing.


I sat on the edge of my bed that evening with millions of thoughts whizzing through my head. I was thinking about what Hermione said yesterday, will people think I'm related to the infamous man? I sure hope not...

I heard tapping on the window and saw that it was Horus, I let him in. He hooted and gave me a letter that had fancy handwriting.

Dear Aurora,

I hope you're doing well darling.
Just a little heads up, I may return at the end of the year... but don't worry, I'm not going to attack anyone... yet...

Yours sincerely,

I grimace and tare it to shreds.


I was in a beautiful valley, I wore a white medieval styled dress and my feet was bare. My chocolate coloured hair flew gently in the breeze and butterflies flew past me, fluttering happily.

Was I finally having a dream that I was in Narnia?! I hope so, I always wanted a dream like that.

But unfortunately, it wasn't.

A man who looked familiar came up to me. It was Godric Gryffindor. One of the four founders of Hogwarts.

"Hello dear one," he says. "Like last year, I must remind you that I can only hold them off for so long... the future doesn't look nice, but everything in life comes to an end and so will the pain of the future.

"But I must say, that although you may not like that Riddle boy (and I completely understand why, along with everyone else) but you must teach him how to love, how to care... the fate of the wizarding world is up to you..."

"What do you mean?!" I exclaimed with a frown.
He just smiled and ran off. What is up with that man?

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