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Chapter Two
Welcome to Hogwarts

===Aurora's PoV===

I got out of taxi and checked my watch. I cursed silently as it was 11:01, I looked round to see if there was anyone I knew. I then saw the familiar hair of Ron.

"Hey! Ron!" I shout, I saw him look at me from across the car park. I made my way over to him.

"Aren't you supposed to be on the platform?" I ask him, I then realised he had a friend with him.

"The barrier closed before we could go through," the boy next to Ron said.

"Oh? That's strange," I frowned and looked towards the ginger to see if he had an idea.

"I did suggest we take my dad's car," Ron shrugged. "He put enchantments on it when we first got it."

"Isn't there any other way?" I say. "Like sending McGonagall a letter or waiting for your parents to come back?"

The two boys glanced at each other before saying: "nah."

"Your loss then," I shake my head. "Anyway, I'd rather not be left alone so I may as well come with you."

The boys nodded, we put our trunks in the boot of the car. The boy with jet black hair sat in the front with Ron, and I sat in the back.

"Oh, also, I don't believe we met," I say to the boy. "I'm Aurora Black."

I stick out my hand and he shakes it. "Harry Potter."

I smile excitedly. "Never thought I'd be meeting you."

Harry smiles back and faces towards the front of the car. Ron slowly lifts up the Ford Anglia, we were finally reaching near the train stations roof.

"Aren't muggles going to see us?" Harry asks Ron.

"Oh yeah," Ron presses a button and apparently that makes us now invisible from a muggles (or magical beings) eye.


By now, it's been around five hours and I've been getting awfully bored. But thankfully we were in Scotland now as I saw the rooftops of Glasgow about half an hour ago.

It was around early evening now.

"Oh no!" Ron exclaimed. Harry looked at him whilst I just glanced at him from my Vogue magazine I was reading.

"What?" Harry asks, hoping that it was nothing bad.

"The invisible thing stopped working!" Ron exclaimed.

"Oh it's not the end of the world," I roll my eyes. "Besides, I doubt you'd get any muggles in these parts at this time of day."

"She's right," Harry agreed. Ron nodded slowly before he managed to spot the train tracks.

"Perhaps we could fly down and follow the tracks," Ron suggested. Harry nodded whilst I shook my head.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" I say.

"I'm sure the train's way ahead of us," Ron said. So he went down onto the train tracks.

It was alright for about five minutes.

Then we heard a whistle of a train.

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